Saturday, November 21, 2009

not all crashes are hostile

'Anti Virus Plus' messages are now continually wrecking my Internet search experience, apparently issued from '' website. Paradoxically, although the messages flip off any website view presented on-screen (including e-mail messages composed for FBI), they warn about trojans, worms and viruses.

The actual problem as divined from control panel consultation is that a program cache incompatible with this machine-program has been permitted access anyway, and a single-click resolution of the issue bans the errant program-cache from further ISP engagement during active PC-terminal Internet use. However, in some way the ban-command itself is flipped out within the PC program such that the errant cache again gains entry, which in turn triggers a pattern of 'Anti Virus Plus' messages that disrupt the Internet search process. Furthermore, payment is expected so that the anti-virus program will stop data/search freezes and crashes that should be easily remedied with the one-click ban.

Ho hum, better days ahead.

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