Thursday, March 24, 2011

more thundercrunch

o  Yesterday's weather was a formula for misery continued, following Springlike weather and the first day of Spring  --  pinhead-sized hail interspersed with large raindrops during the early afternoon following renewed snow flurries, combination rainy thunder core followed with thundercrunch ice-crystal impact from the direction of Foster Brook, as heard from the East Washington Street bridge during late afternoon employee release from workplaces.  Piles of plowed snow obstructed the sidewalks at corner South Center Street and Barbour Street, whereas corner parking-lot was totally clear for vehicles.  A small TV was seen in snowy metal dumpster container that's a fixture in the Callahan Park vehicle lot.

Also, gunshots heard in the suddenly-col'-again early evening.

o  The local oil refinery has finally been fenced  --  good news for everyone wishing to walk about as normal humans usually do in the Tun'a Valley area, an action that should have easily been negotiated within McKean County PA population decades ago.  Apparently, the lack of vehicular front-bumper metal license-plates in the region has in some way contributed to metal chain-link availability, local politicos would have us believe, perhaps as some strategy to initiate a local movie studio.  Three city streets, i.e. Williams Street, Mill Street and Kendall Avenue, directly border the former Kendall Oil Company now known as American Refining Group  --  Mill Street moves traffic through ARG premises seen on both sides of that street, both vehicular and on foot (one streetside walkway each street).  Tun'a Creek moves water northward both through and beside (Mill Street) the petroleum oil-refinery.

Local terrorism about refinery premises boundaries has been privately prevalent as a sort of vigilante effort that can be alleged to have caused the deaths of a number of innocent resident/inhabitants, since group or individual drift into refinery equipment zones has always been possible (sometimes probable during specific circumstances), with directed trespass also a known option among local politicos using various rationales including perhaps the fact that local school systems are sometimes over-enrolled together with the wish to thin the active population with imprisonments/deaths or add to revenue with hopes to initiate trespassing fines.

It's a wonder  --  is the oil refinery located in Aruba fenced, or have the same terroristic tactics prevailed within those South American island environs?

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