Tuesday, December 15, 2009

now, where were we

o An embedded electrical-line pole is leaning and cracking sidewalk concrete alongside route A1A/SE Ocean Boulevard in Sewell's Point, just across the Crary Bridge from northeast Stuart, FL, proper. The poles are heavy, square and made from concrete; the pole in question is located nearby a Bank of America office and other various business offices, and is not far from that locale's police station as well. The pole is leaning toward a round, green-painted structure which is typical of of oil-refinery equipment-containment operations (roundhouse-style), a type of reservoir tank; it is also leaning over a parking lot and vehicles are no longer parked in its vicinity. When/if that electrical-line pole falls, it would extend across the parking lot on/to the tank.

The electrical-line pole is the same type seen along other major roadways in the region. One other has already been previously-described along the same roadway as the site of a palm-tree in its spiny phase growing and directly contacting the pole, such that the tree has burst a concrete barrier installed around the lightpole. Another such pole is leaning toward traffic lanes just outside Kcc at the intersection of SE Ocean Boulevard and St. Lucie Boulevard.

o Among debris collected from the Crary Bridge yesterday include pieces of plastic, tarpaper, and electronic-circuit 'partial plates'. The tattered pelt of a squirrel and one foot was removed from the bridge roadway at St. Lucie Boulevard and returned to riverside turf. A flock of crows visited the w. island with continuous calling while I made notes from past newspapers. A dark blue compact car parked within Kcc was the focus of some attention as one similar to the one that a fugitive from the region is said to be using, as reported within Palm Beach TV journalism.

Mounds of small dark-red berries 'passed' through the gastrointestinal-systems of certain birds are typically found on the safety-rail of the walkway leading onto the west island beneath the Lyons Bridge; those fruits are so completely intact that they can be flicked with a fingernail into the waters of the Indian River lagoon, atttracting fish +/-one-foot long into the shallow shoreline environs. Small billfish and other fish varieties were seen schooling below the walkway, including one ray.

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