Friday, February 11, 2011

speaking of 'Dem Bones'...

The most recent ScienceDirect Alert received as an e-mail listing of articles includes link to abstract titled, 'The abrasion of modern and archaeological bones by mobile sediments:  the importance of transport modes' from UK schools as presented in the Journal of Archaeological Science volume 38, issue four, April 2011.

Reminds me of an unusual day in San Francisco CA, where an antique shop addressed Market Street was having a going-out-of-business sale  --  I scored a circa-1900 atlas that shows sinkhole/ponds located in Golden Gate Park printed-up using term 'lakes'; and also witnessed the purchase/sale of a humanoid spinal-column, one component of which later appeared to be lost on the sidewalk alongside Hayes Street upslope from a Popeye's fried-chicken restaurant, nearby a curious-and-hungry pigeon, and beside the sandy fill around a streetside tree transplant.  Timely article!

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