Thursday, May 5, 2011

making it gunky...

o  Again today, dirt roads above Winter Street are puddled but not flooded or streaming.  Mountaintop oil-well equipment environs remains as placed or moved, most rusting unless painted or gunky.  Dirt road that extends westward directly beside (inches) power-house showed puddle-tracks that match those seen in the past near Jewish cemetery at end Willard Avenue; that dirt road also extends past city-reservoir scheduled to be renovated this summer, according to local media, and has sunken in the middle where it intersects with Orchard Place asphalt roadway, becoming a gully where brick apartment-building can be seen downslope among private homes.  Dirt roads that extend eastward, upslope from Winter Street, are a springtime wonderland of budding blackberry vines and some mayapples (that resemble palm-tree shape); one green-painted oil-well-rig is quite noisy although technically not active (sounds like a running toilet) while other smaller rigs feature rainwater pooled within their square bases and ground-surface gunk.  The entire Winter Street area and environs above it smell noticeably of petroleum/gas, whenever.  Small birds accompanied the walk, following household after-winter seed-dump.

o  Left mountainside oil-well environs via Sanford Street and walked to BAPL.  Again, French-language La Musique et la Ballet presents more allusions to mucousal-artifact oracle-bead existence within entry titled, Reflexions sur le Ballet et la Musique by Raymond LePoutre:  "...Je crois le pessisme une position non moins difficile que l'optimisme aussi n'est-ce pas a une condamnation de notre etat que je vise...De la lutte de ce qui est moribond sous nos yeux et de ce qui poit naitre est fait notre ne veux pas evoquer les rites que des negres la-bas...(p. 26)...a ma premiere simplicite j'en veux ajouter une seconde la ressemblance de nos ballets avec notre public  --  do tous nos ballets...(p. 29)...".  "Notre public" can be surmised to be the mucousal-artifact oracle-bead visible in its placement beneath human-made limestone roadside-rest structure (different from, say, the Castillian Springs in Greece  --  a progressive step forward from apedom to human-life-as-we-know-it-today) that resembles fundamentally all mucous nose-balls.

o  Remembered trash-strewn steep grassy/stony slopes below West Corydon Street and lone yet- trashy downslope area at Eagle Club property addressed E Main Street and must wonder:  can firefighter hoses send all that trash downward to waterstream trails and parking lot where it can be easily bagged?

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