Thursday, June 3, 2010

Divergent interests

Top photo shows wall with missing stones, separating Pearl Street into two traffic lanes at Summer Street above Pleasant Street in Bradford PA.  One or more stones are usually missing from the wall; the stones have uniform size and approximate the appearance of footballs.  One such stone was seen as placed across the street from Zippo Manufacturing Company, near the sidewalk a significant length of time during past years without return to its original west Bradford placement.

A swallowtail butterfly seen flitting around flowering shrubs near downtown Bradford a few days ago is shown down on a sidewalk across from a church renovation project on Boylston Street between Kennedy and Davis Streets  --  a snuff can was also seen as placed on the Tun'a Creek bridge railing on East Washington St. at Boylston St., as set on railing outside rim nearest flowing creek waters.

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