Tuesday, July 28, 2009

those darned 'baby over a bucket' containers again

During the last walk along St. Lucie Boulevard, three renovation-materials containers were seen as set outside one riverside property on the berm, each bearing the clearly outlined drawing of a small childlike person bent over some contained liquid.

A few nights ago, an orange container bearing the same line-drawing was seen as set beside one of the swimming-pools here in Kcc; then last night what appeared to be an exact same container-type was shown as video broadcast from Palm Beach television station -- a 'Fox 29' hotel recycling story (10:00 p. m. news).

Other television journalism described and showed a solar-powered trash-compactor gadget found within some city public-domain. On the dark side, however, a number of TV news broadcasts also reported the death of an infant boy found in a hot vehicle, said to have died as a result from heat exhaustion -- no back-up/default solar-powered fans to exert a cooling influence upon vehicular interiors appear to have been made more of a priority than catalog-list gadgets, with some suspicion necessary about the possibility that such lax conduct has been socially-engineered to force such fan installations.

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