Saturday, July 23, 2011

caul - Wiktionary

caul - Wiktionary

'Calling-for' business telephone behavior may in some way be contributing to the incidence of limb-loss/amputation (e.g. a manifestation of the horrors of sociopolitical conflict).

The mucousal-artifact waxy/gel oracle-bead internal voicestrip holds a variety of vocalizations from its maker, including "calls' as described during telephone call-demand contact replies elicited from me.  Voicestrip content explanations sent to AIA using faxes/e-mails to that organization have occasioned unusual pressure upon the 'Rodriguez' family.  As well there has apparently been some confusion about my visual descriptions of the oracle-bead voicestrip, e.g., belief that mucous (or musilage) has been tooled in some way to make an artifact, including the possibility that an existing alphabet has been 'cauterized' into such substance.  The intensity of some vocalizations struck into the tiny mucousal-artifact substance can be said to be akin to burning (i.e. somewhat frictional not fictional).

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