Thursday, September 2, 2010

had to

After months encountering small flies lingering in the donut racks within TOPS Market premises addressed Main Street in Bradford PA, today a description was sent to the company website, including the fact that glass-door fronting display-case is disabled.  This particular TOPS Market has a notice that backpacks and large handbags should be left at the Customer Service desk while shopping, posted at one of the two entry/exit doors but not the other  --  appropriate as a movie idea but in reality makes 'other-door' casual shoppers subject to control tactics.  Don't remember the sign from one shopping trip to the next?  --  whatever health problem a shopper might have will definitely be worsened if pack or bag is not 'parked' whichever doorway is used.

Finally, the 'Pig Roast' notice is gone from the display-sign in front of the First Presbyterian Church.

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