Tuesday, May 11, 2010

carrying what to where

As a student enrolled in elementary school in this northwestern PA region, all watched as young men carried metal crates filled with pints of pasteurized milk into school building and classrooms.  The activity was accompanied with (annoying) telephone calls asking children, "Do you think there should be milk in school?", which most respondents unwillingly replied "Yes" although we only thought that because someone said that directly into our ears through the telephone.  Almost no one wanted to drink the milk, which suddenly replaced daily scheduled trips to the water fountain, and learned hatred of the callers who consistently entrap/ped us.

Perhaps as another such foray into the psychology of manufacturers and delivery people, we find a human shampoo and conditioner product-line known as 'Mane and Tail' that features an illustration of a moving horse upon the container.  Rationale for these kinds of products includes purported knowledge of Greek culture that asserts that each human word is also a human name, so hey! they're just working those up and carrying them to the store shelves.  Of course, the probability that other creatures have learned prevalent languages is statistically significant so that ain't a kick in the head.

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