Friday, September 12, 2008

the crime fitting the punishment

o You know you're middle-aged when...a moving vehicle almost clips you while walking across the street and you turn to see the license plate number and there's NOTHING on the front of the vehicle. Worse, in a condominium through-street the driver-and-passenger combo whips their car around to face the walker, so that the rear license plate cannot be seen. Or, the car drives away between others moving the same way, and the rear license plate cannot be seen.

In the past, convicts in prisons would routinely work to make license plates, matched sets with serial numbers identifying a vehicle forward and backwards. Apparently a secret poll of prisoners confined in stultifying conditions revealed that they would rather not work at all ('all' being a full set), or would be willing to make specialty plates for the vehicle front bumpers. Or, specialty machines from the nation's engineers lack enough metal to satisfy the whims of consumers wanting more gadgets, so no front plate.

Can we seriously blame the convicts themselves for the less-safe and less-identifiable vehicular encounters? Or have their families been hood-winked into support of a detrimental change of license-plate manufacture policy?

Perhaps it's experimental -- in the way new drugs and medical procedures are 'experimental' until the death rate soars.

o And, it must be said that the death rate among passengers riding without seat belts is at least partly attributable to the fact that some drivers just buckle themselves in and begin driving before the passenger(s) can buckle themselves in.

o How about the Sojourner Truth wannabes decked out with protest signs at Casey Anthony's home in Orlando, FL. after she was released from prison custody?

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