Thursday, April 9, 2009

mortes d'arthur

o One of the 'Ricky's who inspired tune titled 'Ricky don't lose that number' from music album- theme 'Steely Dan' has died, the 11/30/2008 Stuart News Obituaries tell us. "Richard Harvard Gates, 54...born in Vero Beach [FL] and was a lifetime resident...was a landscaper... ". He died just one day after the death of an 87-year-old woman born in Stuttgart, Germany, who "...lived in Vero Beach since 1980... . ...she worked as a translator in Germany...".

o That same Sunday issue of the Stuart News also describes a 'Police Blotter' entry under 'Theft Arrests': "Sondra Renee Sebastian, 21...Southeast Isabella Avenue, Stuart, petit theft, arrested Sunday...Northwest Federal Highway...".

Internet journalism dated 4/7/2009 describes the recovery of a victim named Sandra Cantu using such story titles as 'Missing Girl's Body found in Suitcase', "...eight-year-old...Tracy, CA, an irrigation pond...vanished from a mobile home park...".

It's not easy to believe that these kinds of occurrences are mere coincidences, especially since telephone call-demand tactics have been so prevalent during past decades, using questions which demand to know how (or why) specific people are being supported in a region. That some young girl in CA was harried and drowned because having a name similar to someone who was harried until committing a crime in FL (both most probably wanted to farm crayfish outside the state of Louisiana) is yet another reason why the non-titled influence network operation should be routed out and also lose their phones. Such influence-network operations are also the reason why lobby laws were articulated in the state of Pennsylvania, since telephone abuse has become so de rigeur.

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