Wednesday, March 25, 2009

influence-networking and missing person(s)

The website dated 3/21/2009 presents the article describing the "... disappearance of Damien years ago...last seen... 2002 ... when he was dropped off at a Memorial Day weekend party in Warren [PA}...". The website has presented an article titled 'Everyone gets a piece of the pi' within the same time frame.

The Stuart News dated 11/14/2008 presented a small filler article titled, 'LCD firms plead guilty in scheme': "Three electronics firms...LG Display Company Ltd, Sharp Corporation, and Chunghwa Picture Tubes Ltd agreed to cooperate in an anti-trust investigation being run by the Justice Department...[about] conspiring to drive up prices for people buying computers, televisions and other LCD screens...".

Seven years is a long time to be missing. Typically, an influence network tracking/transporting people such as Sharp would counteract the effects of company investigative pressure with countermeasure accusations and entrapment "Will you...?" questions intended to shift the blame from themselves to another party -- such party perhaps drawing up paperwork to change the prices claiming demand from the marketplace as the culpable activity.

The small city of Warren, Pennsylvania, is located at the state-line threshold with New York State. A creek yet flows through it, but the water is first engaged within the Kinzua Dam Hydroelectric barrier, a dam built in violation of international tribal treaties which controls water flow at the headwaters of the Allegheny River (one of the few rivers in the world that flows inland to meet another river -- the Mississippi River -- before combined waters are discharged into oceanic seas). The city supports a number of sociopolitical businesses and institutions that give it national recognition plus.

Other activity in recent years following the disappearance of Sharp has included the planned construction of a pier in the waters below the dam that would give children a place to catch fish using hooks-and-lines near fish-hatchery areas.

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