Sunday, January 30, 2011
Sunday afternoon trudge
Trudged to Post Office on Boylston Street here in Bradford PA, then returned westward along Amm Street where recent local media article was confirmed as large pile of plowed snow blocked sidewalk at side-street corner not far from a drug-bust address. TOPS Markets shopping-cart standing in snow at Kennedy Street near bridge; large tree leaning waterward within Hanley Park environs beside Tun'a Creek.
Two small potholes at Kennedy Street and Jackson Avenue have merged into one larger one; pothole in Pleasant Street across from 'heinous house' address also deeper and expanded.
Friday, January 28, 2011
W. Bradford trudge, Pennsylvania
Bundled and trudged from Pleasant Street to Abbott Lane to Callahan Park where desktop PC-processor seen lying in perpetual garbage bin beside parking lot. Vehicle-ford area between Bradford Area High School and Poplin Avenue completely covered with ice/snow, Bennett Brook waterstream running beneath.
BAPL not crowded. Tun'a Creek waterflow beneath East Washington Street bridge, area nearest former delicatessan, completely (and deceptively) covered with ice/snow.
Train -- locomotive pulling multiple cargo cars -- moving northward on tracks beside TOPS Markets, cars bearing rounded graffiti very similar to graffiti seen at Sixteenth/Folsom Streets intersection and in Warm Water Cove Park, both in San Francisco CA.
Note: Dollar General store at corner Davis/Boylston Street really should have a shopping-cart shelter.
BAPL not crowded. Tun'a Creek waterflow beneath East Washington Street bridge, area nearest former delicatessan, completely (and deceptively) covered with ice/snow.
Train -- locomotive pulling multiple cargo cars -- moving northward on tracks beside TOPS Markets, cars bearing rounded graffiti very similar to graffiti seen at Sixteenth/Folsom Streets intersection and in Warm Water Cove Park, both in San Francisco CA.
Note: Dollar General store at corner Davis/Boylston Street really should have a shopping-cart shelter.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
more from the mail...
HSBC (The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) website lists trillions of dollars in assets, while mass-media reports U. S. budget deficit in the trillion dollars amount. Any connection, while we await public release of DNA tests upon human bones found with inscribed oracle-bones found in Shanghai, China (i.e., from where did the human bones originate, we ask from known-to-be-hirsute Pennsylvania)?
1490 NewsBlog: Luminite Coming to Bradford
1490 NewsBlog: Luminite Coming to Bradford
Suspicions continue that some new businesses in this northwest PA/NY area are being located with intent to destroy a rare and tiny mucousal-artifact oracle-bead as coincidental result.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Corning profit rises 41 percent as demand grows for specialty glass |
Corning profit rises 41 percent as demand grows for specialty glass |
A telephone call made to local Corning Glassworks company offices here in Bradford PA in the 1970s, with inquiry about 'special jar' order to contain archaeological mucousal- artifact found in Degolia PA, was returned from Corning representative with directive toward lab-glass makers. However, the oracle-bead chronicle found IS an artifact, not particularly a specimen.
LocalNet - Egyptians denounce Mubarak, clash with riot police
LocalNet - Egyptians denounce Mubarak, clash with riot police
To some, the mucousal--artifact oracle-bead chronicle visible beneath limestone roadside-rest/monument base and ground resembles a drop of Karo (TM) corn syrup, which has not been removed with horse, cow or machine, neither as an informal janitorial task nor as a heralded military action. [? More UPB + 'Brangelina' + Hilton sociological phenomena?]
Monday, January 24, 2011
what has come to pass
It's +/- -20 degrees F here in Bradford PA -- that's +/- 20 degrees below zero -- following a hunting season during which a huge bear was killed among all others killed in the region. Boys have also been pictured in local mass media as deer killers following a contest presented with the Bradford Era newspaper as a separate competition sheet, with direct hits to ungulate chests (sadly, deer often 'stamp' their hooves on common trails with people, a reflex movement occasioned by walking or running in hard-pack wintertime snow). Physical removal of a forestland boulder during past decade to UPB campus has caused confusion among wildlife and human inhabitants alike, both in this northwestern PA region and beyond.
A young couple appeared at this apartment doorway in the late morning, certainly not dressed for -20 degrees F weather -- one carrying small furnace parts that were not needed (male), the other claiming to be civil-defense team member checking premises for fugitives presence (female) -- both clad in crew-neck sweatshirts and lightweight pants.
A young couple appeared at this apartment doorway in the late morning, certainly not dressed for -20 degrees F weather -- one carrying small furnace parts that were not needed (male), the other claiming to be civil-defense team member checking premises for fugitives presence (female) -- both clad in crew-neck sweatshirts and lightweight pants.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Bradford Obituaries - Topix
Bradford Obituaries - Topix
It's back...'Carson' obit entered twice on same Obit page during past week, then reduced to one entry one day subsequent -- today again entered twice, same page.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Asterios Polyp - Journal - Smith Orbit
Asterios Polyp - Journal - Smith Orbit
Here's another way my mucousal-artifact site descriptions are being used/transformed.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
- Blogcritics
- Blogcritics
This is what a comment-entry might get now that is 'under new management', which means my rejected comment posted to 'Metaphors Don't Kill People; People Kill People' must be posted here in cropped preview form.
[To those aficionados of muscle-group study, how is an electric toothbrush like a gun, with regard to repetitive motions among "skin of my teeth" crowds?]
[To those aficionados of muscle-group study, how is an electric toothbrush like a gun, with regard to repetitive motions among "skin of my teeth" crowds?]
1490 NewsBlog
1490 NewsBlog -- 'Lackawanna Man Dies in Route 219 Crash'
...perhaps more 'old girl in new clothes' phenomena.
continued, beliefs about oracle-bead removal
The date may seem wrong, but the mucousal-artifact oracle-beads in general may have the capability to be indefinitely existant.
Monday, January 17, 2011
scenario, West Bradford PA
o Trudging parkward on Abbott Lane sidewalk, a desktop computer-terminal processor was seen lying in the snowbank in front of 33 address, beside the street.
o Jets and their lingering trails soared above the processor drop and beyond -- one clear jet-trails criss-cross photo made from W Washington St near Bennett St where sidewalk is/was blocked with small truck-with-snowplow parked, plus another visible over the mountainside that holds W Corydon St and South Avenue.
o Alert: Charlie's Cycle Center addressed Minard Run Road in Degolia PA, very near the mucousal-artifact site, sponsors a girl soccer team, sez today's Bradford Era newspaper article titled, 'Bradford girls win and tie' datelined Erie PA.
o Jets and their lingering trails soared above the processor drop and beyond -- one clear jet-trails criss-cross photo made from W Washington St near Bennett St where sidewalk is/was blocked with small truck-with-snowplow parked, plus another visible over the mountainside that holds W Corydon St and South Avenue.
o Alert: Charlie's Cycle Center addressed Minard Run Road in Degolia PA, very near the mucousal-artifact site, sponsors a girl soccer team, sez today's Bradford Era newspaper article titled, 'Bradford girls win and tie' datelined Erie PA.
Research News in Late Antiquity: Oxford Centre for Late Antiquity : Special Lecture, 2 March 2011
Research News in Late Antiquity: Oxford Centre for Late Antiquity : Special Lecture, 2 March 2011
Chester probably couldn't say "no" to yet another write-up that continues allusional exploitation of Seneca 'Indian' tribal behavior as a result from displacement by many tons of dammed river water during construction of the Kinzua Dam at the northwestern PA/NY 'state line'.
macro-mechanical devices and systems vis-a-vis oracle-bead composition
Monday morning wash-day in some cultures, with regard to mucousal-artifact content-imagery that always remains the same, suspended in waxy/gel emulsion (more or less stretched during fingertip handling and bead-artifact vibration).
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Loughner and a culture of gun lunacy - Topix
Loughner and a culture of gun lunacy - Topix
Since 'Fisher Court' is signposted just one street downslope from Pleasant Street here, extending upslope from School Street in Bradford PA and tandem-style two-vehicle minivan meet-up was observed, one leaving Fisher Court to drive with other through Center Street area where hard-hat workers were working in a lift-bucket to repair electrical-line pole connections (@2:00 p.m.)... . Two-vehicle or caravan-type meetups have also been observed in San Francisco CA peninsula environs, with some suspicion that they contribute to various type of losses both overboard, off shorelines or within city-street limits; have those been observed coursing through desertland habitats as well?
Since 'Fisher Court' is signposted just one street downslope from Pleasant Street here, extending upslope from School Street in Bradford PA and tandem-style two-vehicle minivan meet-up was observed, one leaving Fisher Court to drive with other through Center Street area where hard-hat workers were working in a lift-bucket to repair electrical-line pole connections (@2:00 p.m.)... . Two-vehicle or caravan-type meetups have also been observed in San Francisco CA peninsula environs, with some suspicion that they contribute to various type of losses both overboard, off shorelines or within city-street limits; have those been observed coursing through desertland habitats as well?
Tucson shooting placed in historical perspective in NPR report - Topix
Tucson shooting placed in historical perspective in NPR report - Topix
A 'special jar' has yet to be forthcoming so as to contain the rare and tiny mucousal-artifact oracle-bead chronicle that has been visible at ground level beneath a limestone roadside-rest monument in nearby Degolia PA.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
All Bradford hospital patients to be screened for MRSA superbug (From Bradford Telegraph and Argus)
All Bradford hospital patients to be screened for MRSA superbug (From Bradford Telegraph and Argus)
Anecdote (sort of): after my childhood discovery and initial viewing of the mucousal-artifact oracle-bead chronicle beneath a limestone roadside-rest structure in McKean County PA, many were/are curious to know just what the tiny waxy/gel bead was/is. Therefore, I one day casually entered the local Bradford Hospital here in Pennsylvania while underage (decades ago, through the gift shop) and was closely held to hear some sort of term among all other reasons.
A hospital auxiliary member then recently recruited from a NY State university campus also telephoned and in her most intimidating tone-of-voice threatened to shoot me (with multiple possible allusions) if I walked into the hospital again underage, because MRSA should not be let into the caregiver zone; however, she too wanted to know what was beneath the limestone structure, my reply at that time and during that contact being bubble. It was somewhat obvious that all medical-related personnel hoped to 'stake their claim' and boost their careers with assumed harmful bubble location, and yet the tiny spheroid bead is/was in fact an artifact requiring archaeological rather than conventional investigation.
A hospital auxiliary member then recently recruited from a NY State university campus also telephoned and in her most intimidating tone-of-voice threatened to shoot me (with multiple possible allusions) if I walked into the hospital again underage, because MRSA should not be let into the caregiver zone; however, she too wanted to know what was beneath the limestone structure, my reply at that time and during that contact being bubble. It was somewhat obvious that all medical-related personnel hoped to 'stake their claim' and boost their careers with assumed harmful bubble location, and yet the tiny spheroid bead is/was in fact an artifact requiring archaeological rather than conventional investigation.
raw recruits seek signature meter-cover flow-chart
Whether or not anyone should do meter iron-working prior to cover-box protection manufacture has not been sufficiently debated.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
o Back to the library, where today's Bradford Era presents 'Man waived hearing for drug delivery', that describes a Buffalo NY man with 'middle name' similar to Memorable Balls author-name who "...the McKean County Drug Task Force alleges...delivered crack cocaine...on W. Corydon Street...recommitted to McKean County Jail...".
The same newspaper issue also presents in the 'Another Era' column, "...100 Years Ago: The state game commissioner stands up bravely for the protection of Pennsylvania's songbirds...rather than perched stark and silent on the top of some fashionable woman's hat".
o Photo above: 'disappeared' gas-meter and icicle chunks between 155 Pleasant St and neighboring property here in Bradford PA, where warnings are seen printed up in various places (e.g., for Atlantic Broadband Channel 11 TV broadcast) to protect the meters from snow and ice because there is a steep replacement fee. Perhaps the Pepsi Refresh Project grant process can be tapped to fund outside box-covers for exposed meters (, grant period ends soon).
o A small street-sign with rusting support-post now states '_ALLAHAN ICE RINK' together with additional roadway notice just before W. Washington Street curve that begins near Poplin Avenue that holds traffic moving past UPB campus.
Above photo, waterstream brick below bridge seen from walkway over Bennett Brook, south side West Washington Street.
The same newspaper issue also presents in the 'Another Era' column, "...100 Years Ago: The state game commissioner stands up bravely for the protection of Pennsylvania's songbirds...rather than perched stark and silent on the top of some fashionable woman's hat".
o Photo above: 'disappeared' gas-meter and icicle chunks between 155 Pleasant St and neighboring property here in Bradford PA, where warnings are seen printed up in various places (e.g., for Atlantic Broadband Channel 11 TV broadcast) to protect the meters from snow and ice because there is a steep replacement fee. Perhaps the Pepsi Refresh Project grant process can be tapped to fund outside box-covers for exposed meters (, grant period ends soon).
o A small street-sign with rusting support-post now states '_ALLAHAN ICE RINK' together with additional roadway notice just before W. Washington Street curve that begins near Poplin Avenue that holds traffic moving past UPB campus.
Above photo, waterstream brick below bridge seen from walkway over Bennett Brook, south side West Washington Street.
Save 814 Area Code - Topix
Save 814 Area Code - Topix
Bradford PA is getting a new telephone area code, many miles from Lake Erie.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
more wintertime sights in Bradford PA
Photo: railroad tracks near Hilton and Forman Streets, new locomotive with aging cargo cars.
o At the library: BAPL's Hanley Collection boasts many international-theme titles and subjects; today, however, the preface to Memorable Balls (edited by James Laver, illustrated by Derek Verschoyle c. 1954) gives some indication that the themes may have been inspired by a mucousal-artifact oracle-bead chronicle, " is a significant fact that nearly all "memorable balls" of history have taken the form of some kind of masquerade...". The content-imagery preserved within the oracle-bead artifact is often layered as categories of memories and/or 'shades' of significant others viewable within the waxy/gel orb, all near-microscopic size.
Photo: Bennett Brook, bridge railing in city Callahan Park
o At the library: BAPL's Hanley Collection boasts many international-theme titles and subjects; today, however, the preface to Memorable Balls (edited by James Laver, illustrated by Derek Verschoyle c. 1954) gives some indication that the themes may have been inspired by a mucousal-artifact oracle-bead chronicle, " is a significant fact that nearly all "memorable balls" of history have taken the form of some kind of masquerade...". The content-imagery preserved within the oracle-bead artifact is often layered as categories of memories and/or 'shades' of significant others viewable within the waxy/gel orb, all near-microscopic size.
Photo: face-slicer signs alongside Davis Street at Boylston Street intersection, looking southward beside USPO
Photo: Bennett Brook, bridge railing in city Callahan Park
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
just south from Bradford and east from Lewis Run in Pennsylvania...
[Thanks again to -- the places searched are designated using a pointed purple marker with white dot inside, not shown] [Poll entered at, Lewis Run PA forum]
Monday, January 10, 2011
#clinicaltrials - Twitter Search
#clinicaltrials - Twitter Search interesting series of listed tweets describing current clinical trials and a call for volunteers to test life-saving parachute activity.
Fillery-Travis -- 38th International Symposium on Archaeometry...
No entries are presented that address analysis and data-handling from viewings of any waxy/gel mucousal-artifact oracle-beads.
SBL Meeting Call for Papers Reminder | Evangelical Textual Criticism
SBL Meeting Call for Papers Reminder | Evangelical Textual Criticism
Non-members might be inspired to present something original as a result from religious-text readings.
today's sights, temps very cold to just below freezing
Photos: covered again beneath snow, diaper in bag, 'heinous house' addressed Pleasant Street in Bradford PA; metal thing in Tun'a Creek waterstream below Davis Street bridge; yanked wire, E Washington Street near Mechanic Street in city of Bradford.
Finally, the large icicle blocking the sidewalk alongside N Center Street is gone after a media-reported stabbing at a nearby Cole Avenue address. And yes, vehicles are now casually cruising through the N Center & Pleasant Streets intersection near School Street Elementary School, since stop-sign is gone. Old grapes scattered from Kennedy Street bridge for Tun'a Creek creatures.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Spring Spectrum Series at Pitt-Bradford brings artists to campus - Bradford PA Today News - Bradford Pennsylvania And McKean County PA
Spring Spectrum Series at Pitt-Bradford brings artists to campus - Bradford PA Today News - Bradford Pennsylvania And McKean County PA
...efforts to recruit a Salvadoreno artist have been a bloody mess or more.
Friday, January 7, 2011
misery and despair in mountainside oracle-bead site region
Below: excerpt from recent past e-mail sent to Archaeological Institute of America with regard to wide-ranging planetary effects of oracle-bead imagery mentally transmitted without formal archaeological investigation and knowledge about Degolia PA mucousal-artifact site, plus today's rant.

The mucousal-artifact oracle-bead chronicle is thought by many to be nothing more than a trapped petroleum drop.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
AWOL - The Ancient World Online: Invitation: 2011 Meeting of the Forum for Classics, Libraries, and Scholarly Communication
AWOL - The Ancient World Online: Invitation: 2011 Meeting of the Forum for Classics, Libraries, and Scholarly Communication
...just in time to critique Famous Poets Society use of classic religious poetry within recent anthology published with now-times submissions.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Snow flurries recommence
Streetside sign down on sidewalk, Edwards at W Washington Streets in Bradford PA. Bag of rolls lying in dumpster in Callahan Park parking lot, some slightly moldy; removed and scattered for park wildlife. Bennett Brook icy stems below crumbling wall, W Washington Street bridge.
Monday, January 3, 2011
the how and why of it all
Above photo: corner Williams at Davis Sts, rusting stop-sign base. Below, yet another disposable-lighter drop seen first between vehicles in the parking lot at the U. S. Post Office addressed Boylston Street.
Below photo: crosswalk potholes between Kennedy St corners at Jackson Avenue near the Learning Center school.
this appears in my AOL e-mailbox without reason or explanation [not an advertisement from me].
And... snowmelt/thaw temperatures reveal 'Big Lots' bag with infant-diaper remains as dropped during past weeks, on 'heinous house' grassy slope beside stairsteps addressed Pleasant Street near Pearl Street here in Bradford PA. Sunny snow-melt period also shows other items 'lost' in previous heavy snowfall and bitter winds -- the usual hats and gloves, snuff-can containers and bottles but also seen are a snow/ice-scraper again visible on Pleasant Street sidewalk/driveway as busses chug past daily, and a bag of chicken parts uncovered in a snowdrift at corner Bank and Pearl Streets (near recent house-demolition site).
Below photo: crosswalk potholes between Kennedy St corners at Jackson Avenue near the Learning Center school.
this appears in my AOL e-mailbox without reason or explanation [not an advertisement from me].
And... snowmelt/thaw temperatures reveal 'Big Lots' bag with infant-diaper remains as dropped during past weeks, on 'heinous house' grassy slope beside stairsteps addressed Pleasant Street near Pearl Street here in Bradford PA. Sunny snow-melt period also shows other items 'lost' in previous heavy snowfall and bitter winds -- the usual hats and gloves, snuff-can containers and bottles but also seen are a snow/ice-scraper again visible on Pleasant Street sidewalk/driveway as busses chug past daily, and a bag of chicken parts uncovered in a snowdrift at corner Bank and Pearl Streets (near recent house-demolition site).
Sunday, January 2, 2011
other Tun'a Valley sights, today and autumn past
Above today, dense and heavy icicle crash-down outside newly-renovated Methodist Church, corner Kennedy and Boylston Streets in Bradford PA.
Below, cluster stump alongside Mill Street near Tun'a Creek; and other tree stump beside Lincoln Avenue near Oak Hill Cemetery and E Main Street (both November 30 2010).
o The Bradford Era newspaper dated 12/30/2010 presents article titled, 'Bfd Man Waives Hearing for Three Cases', "...charged with illegal use of certain paint on his face and clothing...". What, a coincidence?
Below, cluster stump alongside Mill Street near Tun'a Creek; and other tree stump beside Lincoln Avenue near Oak Hill Cemetery and E Main Street (both November 30 2010).
o The Bradford Era newspaper dated 12/30/2010 presents article titled, 'Bfd Man Waives Hearing for Three Cases', "...charged with illegal use of certain paint on his face and clothing...". What, a coincidence?
Saturday, January 1, 2011
retrospective -- summertime blues
Photos: cloud-like atmospheric plumes seen from Davis Street plazas in Bradford PA; background, other silo-type structures near American Refining Group property and Hilton Street, seen from end Forman Street in Bradford PA; skyward sights at Main and Mechanic Streets and at Barbour and Mechanic Streets in Bradford PA.
direct diagonal to archaeological site
[Thanks again to]
Degolia PA and its archaeological site can be directly sighted as a diagonal view over mountaintop due southeast from Clarks Lane in Bradford PA.
The tiny waxy/gel artifact oracle-bead chronicle in its placement at ground-level between limestone roadside-rest/monument base and soil contains historical memory-images of regions throughout the planet; one sub-set that can be grouped from the strand of preserved content-images has already been transmitted (mental telepathy) within past social settings as 'palm trees of the world'. The mucousal-artifact contains images of ancient/historical Philippines (now a cluster of islands in the south Pacific Ocean).
So why 'direct diagonal' viewpoint from Clarks Lane to archaeological site? Clark Air Force Base has been operational in the Philippine Islands, where at least one volcano has been active during recent past decades. The word 'Philippines" can be dissected with knowledge of the mucousal-artifact in mind: sticky beads of pitch that ooze from pine/conifer trees can be said to be analogous with mucous that oozes from human nose and eyes when stressed; 'lips' to a certain necessary extent are active when the voice-strip is struck into the waxy/gel oracle-bead with human sound-vocalizations and breath; whereas certain chemical/temperature-stage 'Ph' is necessary and changes during individual formation of the waxy/gel oracle-bead chronicle within the nose and nasal cavities of its maker; the oracle-bead has been found in its placement on a grassy hillside section of mountain range. Plus, birds (including songbird 'lark') may be the primary other-species-linkage that transmits oracle-bead content-imagery through the air from place to place and from genetic-pool to genetic-pool.
So there you have it.
Degolia PA and its archaeological site can be directly sighted as a diagonal view over mountaintop due southeast from Clarks Lane in Bradford PA.
The tiny waxy/gel artifact oracle-bead chronicle in its placement at ground-level between limestone roadside-rest/monument base and soil contains historical memory-images of regions throughout the planet; one sub-set that can be grouped from the strand of preserved content-images has already been transmitted (mental telepathy) within past social settings as 'palm trees of the world'. The mucousal-artifact contains images of ancient/historical Philippines (now a cluster of islands in the south Pacific Ocean).
So why 'direct diagonal' viewpoint from Clarks Lane to archaeological site? Clark Air Force Base has been operational in the Philippine Islands, where at least one volcano has been active during recent past decades. The word 'Philippines" can be dissected with knowledge of the mucousal-artifact in mind: sticky beads of pitch that ooze from pine/conifer trees can be said to be analogous with mucous that oozes from human nose and eyes when stressed; 'lips' to a certain necessary extent are active when the voice-strip is struck into the waxy/gel oracle-bead with human sound-vocalizations and breath; whereas certain chemical/temperature-stage 'Ph' is necessary and changes during individual formation of the waxy/gel oracle-bead chronicle within the nose and nasal cavities of its maker; the oracle-bead has been found in its placement on a grassy hillside section of mountain range. Plus, birds (including songbird 'lark') may be the primary other-species-linkage that transmits oracle-bead content-imagery through the air from place to place and from genetic-pool to genetic-pool.
So there you have it.
looking forward to...crosswalk mayhem?
> Classes resume sessions at School Street Elementary School soon -- suddenly without STOP sign previously at corner N Center and Pleasant Streets more than 40 years! A crossing-guard is already assigned to the intersection, always busy post-school-hours and space-compromised during the snowy/slippery winter months.
> describes incident, titled 'Bfd Woman Charged in Stabbing', "...on Cole Avenue...". At least two people with internal-handicapped pins are known to be active in the area (not far from BRMC), including vehicle use. One 'sent' in to this Pleasant Street household to 'help' clear out excess belongings last January visibly was injured further (his hand) while exiting a door; a similarly-handicapped next-door neighbor known to suddenly exit that premises can be said to have further compromised space 'witnessing' the bloody injury on this property (all workers were backed into the garage, where neighbor followed).
A few weeks afterward, while walking up Center Street (south to north), the injured 'helper' was seen to drive his car up the street behind me and turn onto a side street below Cole Avenue, where multiple people exited a home there and the injured driver came to a stop bouncing off and scraping the streetside curb, a half dozen streets below his 'witness'. Handicapped people often 'spot' each other, but the results might be more not less injurious to some.
> describes incident, titled 'Bfd Woman Charged in Stabbing', "...on Cole Avenue...". At least two people with internal-handicapped pins are known to be active in the area (not far from BRMC), including vehicle use. One 'sent' in to this Pleasant Street household to 'help' clear out excess belongings last January visibly was injured further (his hand) while exiting a door; a similarly-handicapped next-door neighbor known to suddenly exit that premises can be said to have further compromised space 'witnessing' the bloody injury on this property (all workers were backed into the garage, where neighbor followed).
A few weeks afterward, while walking up Center Street (south to north), the injured 'helper' was seen to drive his car up the street behind me and turn onto a side street below Cole Avenue, where multiple people exited a home there and the injured driver came to a stop bouncing off and scraping the streetside curb, a half dozen streets below his 'witness'. Handicapped people often 'spot' each other, but the results might be more not less injurious to some.
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