Friday, July 30, 2010

Main Page -

Main Page -

This is a link referral from the SAS (Society for Archaeological Sciences) weblog

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Interview with Luis Rey � Dave Hone’s Archosaur Musings

Interview with Luis Rey � Dave Hone’s Archosaur Musings

...ditto for this 'subject'.

The Open Source Paleontologist: Interview: Ricardo Ara�jo on Journal of Paleontological Techniques

The Open Source Paleontologist: Interview: Ricardo Ara�jo on Journal of Paleontological Techniques

This weblog has not presented any entries since this June 2010 interview, and the entry perhaps demonstrates the impetus behind the worst and most deadly type of influence-networking yet operational today.

The same telephone call-demand influence-network that occasioned the death of a young Araujo found alongside a California roadway has also occasioned the names and titles of various Blogspots, including archaeological-domain weblogs. [Note: 'Araujo's Tacquieria' was a South San Francisco, CA, local restaurant.]

Research News in Late Antiquity: Individuality in Late Antiquity, Oxford, 21-22 September 2010

Research News in Late Antiquity: Individuality in Late Antiquity, Oxford, 21-22 September 2010

If memory-images showing specific individuals, that have already been mentally transmitted from the Degolia PA oracle-bead chronicle, are or have been mentally carried into the conference area, floods might result because the images are discrete necessitating 'special' study-bonds that affect environmental physics.

AWOL - The Ancient World Online: New Open Access Journal: Open Journal of Archaeometry

AWOL - The Ancient World Online: New Open Access Journal: Open Journal of Archaeometry, we are studied here in McKean County, Pennsylvania, as more than just Kinzua Dam displacees since the artifact Degolia oracle-bead chronicle has been described in print. The artifact, often thought to be an old dead egg, has remained in its sometime-past placement beneath limestone roadside-rest structure in the Minard Run area, as if its disturbance might ignite a volcano in the region. The artifact is filled with human memory-images and a voice-strip, and is made from mucous forged in the nose and nasal cavities of its maker -- such that traditional archaeological recovery methods might ruin it.

Ancient World Bloggers Group (AWBG): Digital Institute for Archaeology Visiting Fellowships

Ancient World Bloggers Group (AWBG): Digital Institute for Archaeology Visiting Fellowships

Huh? What about the Degolia, Pennsylvania, mucousal oracle-bead chronicle artifact archaeological site?

a short walk northward

Yesterday evening, following days of rainshowers that cleared the atmosphere, a dinnertime walk was initiated from Pleasant Street through Bradford city Callahan Park to Boss Avenue, then northward alongside Sullivan Road to its merger with Interstate Parkway.  During the return walk southward alongside Interstate Parkway, one of the 'Emerald Ash Borer' purple traps was encountered alongside the roadway, covered with the dark-green insects stuck to the sides of the trap.  Scattered raindrops began falling during the walk alongside Sullivan Road and thunder rumbled at a distance with far lightning flashes seen, but the storm did not reach the western Bradford area until safe return through city park to Pleasant Street home.

Very loud and crashing thunderslaps with rain downpouring subsequently occurred during late evening and nighttime.  The atmosphere is already controlled to a certain extent because there is an oil refinery operation addressed within Bradford city limits, with regard to waterstream reverse-polarity movement in the region along the mountainsides.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

2 charged in boiling-water attack in Lancaster County - Topix

2 charged in boiling-water attack in Lancaster County - Topix

See comment. Concerns about a mucousal archaeological artifact, elicited with demand-call contact, surface in a different form.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

a hike from the Tun'a Valley floor

Yesterday, a trail/dirt-road hike was initiated from 'the Armory' building between Tibbits Avenue and Corydon Street on South Avenue, just a block-length from the downtown Bradford PA area.  A former street, in the past lined with red brick, is now a stony uphill walk alongside the backyards of houses addressed on West Corydon Street where such unusual sights as a large knife stuck into a tree-trunk and almost completely rusted metal-coiled-springs seating were observed not far from South Avenue retaining wall.  Sunbeams are visible in the cameraphone photograph.

Waters from rainstorms, snowmelt and springs have deposited a large number of medium-sized stones on that trail, which continues along the mountainside to merge with a number of other dirt roads, where aging oil-industry equipment can be seen along with various discards, some viaduct-type tubes, campfire remains, not-so-old tires, posies, berries, fallen trees and animal tracks.  The trail and roads are shady, and coolly moist after recent rainfall.

One dirt road was traversed that extended from the West Corydon hillside area to wooded areas above South Avenue, with exit/entry gate at Maplewood Avenue where a sign is posted 'Warning:  no winter maintenance' near intersection with South Avenue.  No clear views toward Degolia were apparent, since that perspective includes mountaintop forestlands and private properties.  Blasting-cap remains were apparent in dirt roadway above private properties while moving into the South Avenue hillside zone.  Tree-fall shown. Garment lying alongside dirt road and algae also shown.

Axhead-shaped stone in roadway, near house with porch-window installation commonly seen with condominiums in Florida.  Flashback:  lone first-floor condo in Kingswood condo complex, Stuart FL, lacking common porch-window installation post-hurricanes near popped-palm location and Evans Crary Sr Bridge over the St. Lucie River.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

What Could You Do With a $35 Tablet? - PCWorld Business Center

What Could You Do With a $35 Tablet? - PCWorld Business Center comment.

Note: Jersey-knit sheet-sets sold from the catalogs contain a cardboard insert that is the perfect size to serve as a processor push/pull-pad when using pre-cut PC-terminal desktop assembled-shelving 'centers' that have a special shelf to hold the harddrive mechanism.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

LocalNet Start Page

LocalNet Start Page -- 'Heavy Rains in Midwest cause flooding that shuts down Chicago interstate, damages Iowa dam'

Does Chicago want 'truth-in-advertising' (tia)?

LocalNet Start Page

LocalNet Start Page -- 'German Police Say 18 people killed, dozens injured in mass panic at Love Parade'

Does Germany want 'truth-in-advertising' (tia)?

Book Review: Nature and Power: a Global History of the Environment by Joachim Radkau - Page 4 - Blogcritics Books

Book Review: Nature and Power: a Global History of the Environment by Joachim Radkau - Page 4 - Blogcritics Books

Comment describes omission.

Charles B. Rangel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Charles B. Rangel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Degolia PA artifact oracle-bead chronicle IS composed from a sort of waxy gel that has memory-images and a voice-strip preserved inside, but is believed to be an old dead egg or other similar substance become a sort of gel cap over time. Intimidation tactics already deemed apropos within regional oil-industry environs are occasionally applied to demand artifact removal -- with some probability that potential 'recruits' have been contacted throughout the nation to approach the mucousal 'secret' oracle-bead archaeological site. One possible 'Charles' is described at the Wikipedia link .

Friday, July 23, 2010

AOL Mail - Message View

AOL Mail - Message View -- 'Fulfilled Prophecy Seminar' from the International Preterist Association,

Killing of 44 Golden Gate Park trees stumps city

Killing of 44 Golden Gate Park trees stumps city

Tree killers, including fruit tree cut-ups, have in the past terrorized local Bradford, Pennsylvania, city inhabitants and others in the northwest PA region. As a former resident of San Francisco, CA, the slightest tree-cutting possibilities have been observed to be speedily executed.

[On the other side of continent, the TV 'missing persons' shows have us asking, "Is it Kyron?".]

Are You a Blogcritic? - Blogcritics Books

Are You a Blogcritic? - Blogcritics Books

The professional and political integrity of music-domain writers can and should be questioned.

other buildings with cultural significance to oracle-bead archaeological site

Entry way to triangular-shaped brick Tuna Valley Graphics building, addressed Mechanic Street in Bradford PA, directly faces Degolia PA oracle-bead site at a distance.

The First Presbyterian Church front doors directly open to congregations moving southward on Chambers Street, such that from some perspectives it blocks and contains 'traffic' which aims toward the oracle-bead site in Degolia PA.

A feed-store, historically located near Elm Street in Bradford city Tuna Valley-floor environs, has addressed and remedied other-species linkages and effects.

The Carnegie Library (formerly public) addressed Congress Street one block from the Option House Hotel, across the street from a flood marker, alludes to the egg-like appearance of the Degolia oracle-bead chronicle.

Hollenbeck-Cahill Funeral Chapel is addressed at the corner of South Avenue and Corydon Streets, and also alludes to oracle-bead content imagery of Northern California as preserved within waxy/gel bead composition.  Sehmans Tire Center also alludes to a particular belief about the oracle-bead artifact (the possibility that it is a drop of stray semen); note Watts-like window outages.

A wall that in the past did support a mountainside row of homes (above former street reverted to stony trail) within Bradford city environs is located beside South Avenue across from a brick building embellished with a star-pattern (in the past known as 'the Armory'), moving southward uphill toward Degolia from South Ave/Corydon Street intersection.

A stretch of South Avenue, moving on foot along mountainside towards South Bradford and further to Degolia PA, extends past Lewie's Lounge (not shown).

1490 NewsBlog: Projects Getting Nearly $1 Million

1490 NewsBlog: Projects Getting Nearly $1 Million

A rare and tiny mucousal oracle-bead artifact has been regarded as meaningless pap within McKean County, Pennsylvania, mountainside environs.

how to address 'Projects Getting nearly $1 Million' entry at

The restored Option Hotel is addressed beside Main Street at Congress Street in Bradford Pennsylvania, and has a direct view southward toward Degolia PA roadside-rest archaeological site.  Other buildings in the Bradford area also demonstrate a cultural perspective toward the Degolia artifact site.

Route 219 bypass work has continued at the roadway on-ramp shown here at Elm Street and the southernmost end of Davis Street within Bradford city limits, just past TOPS Market.  The Route 219 bypass project has continuously funneled asphalt dust onto the archaeological-artifact site in Degolia PA, rather than bypass artifact-site during archaeologists' investigation (that should have been initiated and completed in the 1970s).

Other images show close-up view of actual mucousal-artifact location, once solely a limestone roadside-rest location with artifact oracle-bead chronicle visible between base and ground; and view of Degolia PA cemetery  installation looking southward toward junction of South Avenue and Minard Run Road where limestone roadside-rest was solely located decades ago nearby waterstream.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

1490 NewsBlog: Summer Soiree Today!

1490 NewsBlog: Summer Soiree Today!

Here's what was happening today near the Degolia PA oracle-bead artifact site, addressed Minard Run Road here in McKean County PA.

Preview comment - Archaeological Institute of America

Preview comment - Archaeological Institute of America

...and what I have to say.

what you might want to know

The Archaeological Institute of America's official website at no longer has an available forum.  The website has been redesigned, excluding the 'Forum', and the organization has initiated membership 'Gala's and educational 'Archaeology Fairs'.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

packaging of note

o  A local supermarket shelves bagels for sale that are contained in a distinctive plastic wrapper; the wrapper resembles a standard heat-sealed plastic bag with stacked, full-size bagels inside, but the bottom is sealed on the bias which (believe it or not) makes a more stable container than the prevalent flat-filled sleeve, with resealable zip-loc top opening.

o  One variety of frozen veggie spring rolls cradles their creations in a small five-section plastic bin that might be perfect for small painting projects if not further use as hors d'oeuvre presentation.

Viola Vanclief, L.A. Homicide No. 46: Foster Care Mother and... - Topix

Viola Vanclief, L.A. Homicide No. 46: Foster Care Mother and... - Topix

Hammer-related deaths appear to be rising.

[A claw hammer closeted here at this Bradford PA address had a loosened head that would slip off, as if a potential projectile, but 'Gorilla Glue' (R) has securely repaired it.] 

Monday, July 19, 2010

BBC News - Cave yields marsupial fossil haul

BBC News - Cave yields marsupial fossil haul

Years ago, I received a 'prize' notice through the mail indicating that $10 would assure a prize delivery from Australia sent from a prince; at the present time Australian websites offer graduate-study post-secondary school listing with that same price.

Gee, maybe I should have sent $10 to get the prize -- maybe it would have been a meeting with a famous archaeologist.

'Escort management' tactics -- what to do? - Topix

'Escort management' tactics -- what to do? - Topix

Illegal, not-wanted but scheduled-anyway escorts can have school-linked death scenario results.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Officials Say Gunmen Kill 17 at Party in Mexico

Officials Say Gunmen Kill 17 at Party in Mexico

Here's our bloody handprint, visible on the siding of a neighbor's house, days after a young man was 'sent over' to help carry excess things from this apartment where no help was actually needed here in mid-winter Bradford PA (January 2010).  Large things were carried without using an available handtruck.  A neighbor technically encroached, one with internal handicap.

The injured visitor was shown on OWL-TV here in Bradford, in a high-school context with wrapped hand.

what a sashay shows here in Bradford, Pennsylvania

It's not easy to see in the photo, nor from the overlooking Davis Street bridge, but lying submerged in the Tun'a Creekbed water is a metal signpost that was first seen slightly westward (the other side of the bridge) after a rainstorm that occurred years ago.  The lettered metal sign might yet be buried in the muck beneath the bridge.

While making photos after that years-ago rainstorm, using a pistol-type digital camera/camcorder, a resident emerged from a small creekside house in grasping mode, as if to take the camera if not just the memory-card. A number of trees had fallen in the area during that storm, some across the creek between Kennedy Street and Davis Street.  Not wanting to flip or be flipped as the man prepared an approach, I walked away.

This past week again one signpart became visible lying straight-arrow in the creekbed, and years after the first near-confrontation on Miller Street a resident again emerged from the same address after I used a cameraphone to record above image and others, while three pug-like dogs also emerged and circled around me until I moved into the street to walk freely.

An entry/exit ramp extends to the waterstream not far from the bridge  --  but the signpole yet lies in the water anyway.  A store stocking aquasocks/shoes is addressed in 'Union Square'.  Apparently, service-personnel residing nearby have not ordered sign recovery.

Child-size overalls lay beside Tun'a Creek in the same location, not far from the Goodwill store in Bradford Plaza.

A Brief History of Satanic Rock - Comments Page 2 - Blogcritics Music

A Brief History of Satanic Rock - Comments Page 2 - Blogcritics Music

Much mass-copied and sold music actually belongs in libraries, but has been reproduced using 'freedom of the press' as if that ethic is a seize-copy-sell law.

'End Polio Now!' Rotary Golf Tournament, from Atlantic Broadband TV - Topix

'End Polio Now!' Rotary Golf Tournament, from Atlantic Broadband TV - Topix

Will have "hole-in-one" prize, "proceeds to benefit End Polio Now campaign.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Current Option Advisor Hotlines and Newsletters -

Current Option Advisor Hotlines and Newsletters -

These come into the e-mailbox from time to time, and reactions to different events (and comments) are sometimes apparent.

there's something about Corydon Street...

A short time after this cigarette was photographed on the sidewalk in front of St. Bernard's Church in Bradford, PA, a fire was reported within the nearby TOPS Market in a variety of local media.  The fire is believed to be arson that burned some Mylar balloons.  It is worth noting that Corydon Street where the church is addressed, jogs memories of the town of Corydon PA which decades ago was well-known for its sweet corn harvest  --  until the Kinzua Dam was built and the entire river valley was 'permanently' flooded under tons of river water (said to be a flood-control project).

A past photo of a different lengthy cigarette seen in a public ashcan placed outside Parkview Market addressed West Washington Street was followed with that market's closure, such that neighberhood customers must use other markets in the Bradford area.

Thursday, July 15, 2010 - Ship Buried in 18th Century Unearthed at WTC Site - Ship Buried in 18th Century Unearthed at WTC Site

So, whereas the TransAmerica Pyramid in San Francisco, CA, was intended to be an archaeological institute but isn't, neither was the World Trade Center in New York City an archaeological institute either.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

appropriate uses of duct tape

We have here a Dell (R) Dimension data processor  --  a marvelous machine acquired at a reduced price using a periodical ad, that required about $50 worth of expert work to make it functional (again).  However, only one loosened screw from this processor causes the entire external housing to part company with the internal machinery, such that duct tape now holds it around the functional data-storage-and-processing mechanism.

'Penn Hills man shot in scuffle' from Pittsburgh Tribune-Review - Topix

'Penn Hills man shot in scuffle' from Pittsburgh Tribune-Review - Topix

Have someone calling repeatedly through the telephone and pooling every word you say to use? Tell your local police -- at a station or with a direct telephone-call and/or in writing -- so that incidents such as the one described can be prevented. Incidents in Penn Hills are known to be one result of a misused "maybe Penn Hills" reply demanded during influence-network operation.

1490 NewsBlog: PSU Gets Money to Work on Project that Uses Sound to Power Air Conditioner

1490 NewsBlog: PSU Gets Money to Work on Project that Uses Sound to Power Air Conditioner

Believe it or not, a tiny mucousal artifact beneath a limestone roadside-rest located in northwestern PA mountain range is made from a type of wax and holds 'tiny talking' within its spheroid composition. When viewed among various indigenous species, vibration causes the sphere to emit audible speech together with visible imagery, causing all-species linkages to affect the atmosphere (including "clear the air").

Thus are the supernatural phenomena that inspire huge mechanical projects among us.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Confine to federal penitentiary all who altered Degolia PA archaeological site? - Topix

Confine to federal penitentiary all who altered Degolia PA archaeological site? - Topix

Imagine the sheer exasperation of an archaeological find, albeit very tiny beneath a limestone roadside-rest structure, afterward surrounded with a cemetery installation at the banks of a nearby waterstream while regional archaeologist interests are assigned elsewhere.


share -- 'No political certainty for aging SF landmark', datelined Daly City CA

This article that summarizes the history of the 'Cow Palace' in San Francisco, CA, is published in today's The Bradford Era. What the story doesn't mention are the harrowing neighborhood encounters with hordes of event-attendees such that, e.g., one young genetically-brown woman was seen with facial-skin separated below one eye, with pink flesh showing beneath the outer epidermal layer. [Was a face-poker in the crowd?]

Friday, July 9, 2010

the piles of snow are gone...

...and rust-weakened metal signposts remain yet standing, although now snappable.  This sidewalk-zone signpost is located along Jackson Avenue at the corner with Kennedy Street, propped with a length of PVC pipe;  another with similar condition is visible in the distance on the other side of the avenue at Davis Street.

LocalNet Start Page

LocalNet Start Page - 'Octopus oracle Paul predicts Spain will win World Cup'

This is a bizarre little story that has appeared as a baby octopus lies cold and lifeless in the refrigerator here, taken home from a Foster Township PA buffet.
Frogform, sidewalk Foster township mini-mall near New York state-line.

Eight Years Later and Still No Clues in Teen’s Homicide – Mission Loc@l -- San Francisco Mission District's News, Food, Art and Events

Eight Years Later and Still No Clues in Teen’s Homicide – Mission Loc@l -- San Francisco Mission District's News, Food, Art and Events

Reyes, whose first name was the same as that of a front-desk security guard at Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development, was related to became-well-known mural artist in San Francisco, CA. Her body was found in one of the first PVC garbage totes to hold human remains; although a hip-hop dancer, it is probable that she hadn't yet learned 'the Tunungawanga' even if demanded to do so. Remember front-page Bradford Era story decades ago, Stephanie Spach of Bradford PA, a food-service worker trying to comply with food-delivery demands, also scheduled to "join" the Army?

Note:  the 'Loyal Order of the Rainbow' was originally thought to be a service-group focused solely upon the needs of oil-industry workers, but other populations apparently envisioned a pan-industries service-focus, causing harm to potential initiates.

1490 NewsBlog: Pitt-Bradford to Hold Information Session for Master of Social Work Cohort

1490 NewsBlog: Pitt-Bradford to Hold Information Session for Master of Social Work Cohort

About that horde streaming into peninsula-environs San Francisco, CA... .

Thursday, July 8, 2010

hey, where'd it go?

One of my comments posted to entry titled, 'Unnecessary Pap Smears' within the past hour has disappeared already, but here it is (sort of) although 'killed' elsewhere.

Holographic Radar Detector Images Underground Metal Objects : Aardvarchaeology

Holographic Radar Detector Images Underground Metal Objects : Aardvarchaeology

Some kind of scanner should be made available to detect the mucousal artifact oracle-bead chronicle among schooled and poised skeptic interference here in McKean County PA, but not the device described in this archaeology weblog post.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Why increased traffic-fine costs not fined music-shows lacking 't-i-a'? - Topix

Why increased traffic-fine costs not fined music-shows lacking 't-i-a'? - Topix  ...'t-i-a', of course, being "truth-in-advertising".

SFPD Seeks Public's Help After Fight Between Transients Leads To Fatal Stabbing - Topix

SFPD Seeks Public's Help After Fight Between Transients Leads To Fatal Stabbing - Topix

...not far from a 'special' palm-tree shown at the surface of the Degolia PA oracle-bead chronicle as a baby palm-tree image.

hot but not blistering

o  Yesterday was an unusual one in the life of the hometown neighborhood, as continued venture into the old barn-become-garage revealed a shopping-bag-size pile of dry, hard critter feces to be swept and removed.  The neighbors had been trying to protest the conditions in the upstairs garage area but it was fairly obvious that creatures with full guts have been 'guided' into the until-recently-overloaded storage space.  The feces has been 'disappeared' without military report forthcoming.  A flower lay on the steps to the upper floor without explanation, and my potato plants in containers have been dug up and are gone.  (Very) small hornets nests obviously could not protect infant hornets in the garage's atmosphere, and apparently were abandoned awhile ago.
A stolen flower is listed with 'Variety of police calls, Sunday, Monday' at website

Neighbors prefer to use lawn-mower and weed-whacker noise as sleep interference tactics when garage areas seem to be infested with small wildlife, but some of us weren't born yesterday. It is generally-accepted non-theory that no or poor work results when sleep interference affects physiological function.

o  Today against my better judgment a hike was initiated and completed to the Bolivar Drive area at the NY/PA state line, beginning alongside East Main Street where a very small toddler-size new-appearance roller-skate shoe was seen lying in the roadway directly beside the curb nearby some trash containers, and a classic afro-pick, modified, also seen lying in the roadway not far from Kendall Avenue.  Walking around an East Main Street curve here in Bradford PA, moving northward, a financial-institution sign-display showed 98 degrees F in the sunshine!  One shoe came unglued as we two approached the Bolivar Drive multiple-plaza area, and  later I walked away with a new pair of white Danskin (R) shoes (consulted Internet website first)(?).

One two-plaza area showed a handful of small honey-colored moths being decimated on and along a covered  walkway while others clung to building walls and walkway support-columns (freshened with water-bottle drops).  A small frog-form lay dried-up and supine on a walkway near newly-poured black asphalt.  A small and bloody mammal-pelt was removed from the Bolivar Drive roadway underneath a traffic-flow overpass being deconstructed not far from Limestone NY environs, that in the past spanned the northern section of Tun'a Creek.

During return walk along Seaward Avenue toward Jackson Avenue, the local oil/gas refinery was seen to have a flaming torchlike pipe burning discharge in the hot nearly 100-degree atmosphere  --  scary.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Two Ways to Remove People From Your Vacation Photos - PCWorld

Two Ways to Remove People From Your Vacation Photos - PCWorld

...if that's what you think should be done.

Saving Antiquities for Everyone - What we do

Saving Antiquities for Everyone - What we do

This website describes resources made available to protect archaeological sites.

such a deal

o  Two gunmen at large in Buffalo NY (if not elsewhere), and suddenly Arby's fast-food restaurant has scheduled a 'freebie' day today, "...a FREE sneak taste of the latest addition to...value menu...a week before it's officially available".

o  Coupon issued with sales slip this past weekend from Dollar General offered $5 off certain purchases totaling over $25 (time to stock up on cleaners!)  --  when coupon was presented at cash register, cents-off each item chosen was taken as some kind of computer-program action to total $5 off.  Weird to watch!

o  Yesterday, July Fourth 2010  -- sidewalk 'greens' with beadlike growths.