
Should Kennedy Street in Bradford, PA, nearby the Tun'a Creek, really have one of these waterpipes uncapped in plain view? A nice-and-easy white PVC cap has recently been seen fitted into an open sidewalk pipe in downtown Bradford, not easily dislodged without damage to the fixture.
o Regional cemeteries in McKean County, PA, were installed
very near waterstreams beginning in the 1960s, and recently the Bradford city hospital has expanded premises with new construction, keeping pace with cemetery expansion near the waterstreams -- a clear sign that not only the paint is waterborne in the region now. A section of Pleasant Street housing was destroyed years ago near the city's hospital and was replaced with a hospital parking lot.
Following Internet search from the 'archaeology' keyword at Topix.net, an entry in that website's 'Sci/Tech' section was found that describes, 'Medical Center receives $4,000 from Tuna Club' on Catalina Island in South Carolina -- "The Avalon Tuna Club Foundation...presents a check to Catalina Medical Center...". But who will investigate the correlation between Bradford Regional Medical Center expansion and the expansion of regional streamside cemeteries (not to mention the expansion of UPB campus)?
o 'Sweepstakes Clearinghouse' in TX sends me flyer-type product descriptions along with company checks to be returned and applied as substantial reductions in the retail prices of specific products. Usually they present items such as radar detectors in terms that allude to evasion of law enforcement attention, but today they have finally made mention of the life-saving potential of those devices.
>>After chopping ice in the driveway after a slight sunny-afternoon thaw, kitty litter on the remaining skid zone makes sense to me too.