Monday, November 30, 2009
oh -- that kind of challenge
The website is currently presenting photos and commentary about museums and parks in China that feature dinosaur remains.
What the...?!
Today the PC is not forwarding the text of a Mailer-Daemon non-delivery notice received, but is instead sending the attachment of an original website article that also offers article e-mail service. The non-delivery notice shows the text of an e-mail sent with article through the website, but for some reason neither text of the notice nor e-mail text can be forwarded nor can an exact copy of notice be sent to the address intended.
What instead happens is that a massive e-mail is sent to the intended address during forward attempt, which shows the title of the website article together with many feet of website programming info, but does not send the text of the article or e-mail that accompanies the article's website e-mail service.
Mailer-Daemon notices are received through the Internet when the intended address is misspelled or has a typographical error (easy to make in confined spaces or when distracted by other activities nearby).
What instead happens is that a massive e-mail is sent to the intended address during forward attempt, which shows the title of the website article together with many feet of website programming info, but does not send the text of the article or e-mail that accompanies the article's website e-mail service.
Mailer-Daemon notices are received through the Internet when the intended address is misspelled or has a typographical error (easy to make in confined spaces or when distracted by other activities nearby).
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Pattern baldness -- but the game has ended

The game has ended, but who will tell the players? Will play continue anyway? Or, can't the players stop?
Presented within a regional newsprint periodical has been an ad said to be from 'Hale Groves River Market' addressed in Wabasso: "Send a taste of sunshine to family & friends and get a Half Gallon of Juice FREE when you place your order at the Hale Groves River Market...See You at the Market!...". The telephone 'work' that puts these ads and others of the same kind into well-read publications should all be investigated, because often demand-calls are thought to cease if a special offer is made reality--when an additional reality is that further demands will be made, including demands upon customers given notice that the business really didn't want to present such an offer. This offer is printed up to expire in 2010.
Presented within a regional newsprint periodical has been an ad said to be from 'Hale Groves River Market' addressed in Wabasso: "Send a taste of sunshine to family & friends and get a Half Gallon of Juice FREE when you place your order at the Hale Groves River Market...See You at the Market!...". The telephone 'work' that puts these ads and others of the same kind into well-read publications should all be investigated, because often demand-calls are thought to cease if a special offer is made reality--when an additional reality is that further demands will be made, including demands upon customers given notice that the business really didn't want to present such an offer. This offer is printed up to expire in 2010.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
2:00 a.m. wake-up
Above: nighttime deluge or free carwash? new sprinkler heads distribute a wide swath of water over parked vehicles both night and day, in Kingswood condo complex [time-date stamps are wrong]
Curses from some, thanks from others when condo complex sprinkler system wakes all residents at 2:00 a. m. bar/tavern closing time nearby pond, river, lagoon and ocean.
The two 'spoil' island parks beneath the Lyons Bridge are accessible 24 hours per day.
awash with water
Friday, November 27, 2009
Lest it is forgotten...
The website is doing something unusual here when attempt is made to enter a new poll at the local Stuart, FL, location: the PC user is flipped into the website's 'Health' forum location quite suddenly, and yet the poll will be seen in the Stuart, FL, forum listings when accepted. See, as example, my new poll entered, 'Pierced-ear tots/babes--what to do?'
Stuart, FL, is a post-hurricanes region (2004).
Stuart, FL, is a post-hurricanes region (2004).
a new title, not data disappearance
[This section was already posted to the previous title, but has since then disappeared.]
The website appears to be a popular website among seasonal and well-travelled home-owners here in Martin County, FL, who may wish to participate in and/or contribute to website functions. The website 'user agreement' also includes "Compliance with California Privacy Rights (see also [www.] policy...applies only to information [they]...collect through the may change from time to time without notice...".
Obviously, the 'broccoli brigade' or brigands, whichever is applicable during any given point in time, is at work here in south Florida for those populations who have known broccoli as a dietary staple. While growing up in Bradford, PA, broccoli could be found as fresh bunches and/or contained in frozen packages within area supermarkets.
Within recent past years, the Spanish Club of Bradford Area School District in PA planned and travelled to those areas of Mexico written up in textbooks as places where 'the Spanish' landed during their exploraton of "the New World". It is suspected, however, that the real focus of the trip was palm-tree growth, since many individuals residing in that northwestern PA region are known to carry historical mental-images of baby palm-trees (without documented disclosure) that are now grown adult trees observable with specific regions of the Americas and planetwide.
The website appears to be a popular website among seasonal and well-travelled home-owners here in Martin County, FL, who may wish to participate in and/or contribute to website functions. The website 'user agreement' also includes "Compliance with California Privacy Rights (see also [www.] policy...applies only to information [they]...collect through the may change from time to time without notice...".
Obviously, the 'broccoli brigade' or brigands, whichever is applicable during any given point in time, is at work here in south Florida for those populations who have known broccoli as a dietary staple. While growing up in Bradford, PA, broccoli could be found as fresh bunches and/or contained in frozen packages within area supermarkets.
Within recent past years, the Spanish Club of Bradford Area School District in PA planned and travelled to those areas of Mexico written up in textbooks as places where 'the Spanish' landed during their exploraton of "the New World". It is suspected, however, that the real focus of the trip was palm-tree growth, since many individuals residing in that northwestern PA region are known to carry historical mental-images of baby palm-trees (without documented disclosure) that are now grown adult trees observable with specific regions of the Americas and planetwide.
sources of insecurity
Messages that point out "insecure use" of this PC terminal continue apace, following Palm Beach, FL, TV broadcast of young Norton arrested in the region and most probably as yet another grab at my Social Security Disability monthly payments (occasioned by a use of my idea to initiate archaeological investigations throughout the state of PA also grabbed decades ago, and instead implemented as a nationwide-and-beyond jet-setting educator labs-and-centers research-and-development network -- followed with Three Gorges Dam constructed in China).
According to the non-voluntary 'virus scan', from time to time a substantial number of websites are trying to gain entry to the desktop-PC screen-page, which appears to slightly stretch then quiver slightly as the errant cache attempts incompatible program penetration (without the 'r', that's 'pogram' for the uncareful typist). That slow and thoughtful ISP data delivery and transmission requires a special, paid virus-control service to prevent 'blazing fast' programs from electronically crashing machine function seems unjust, especially since such intrusions might represent experiments outside legal laboratories to identify exactly which amperages might physically crack or shatter the monitor screen as a potential harm to users.
To the person who decided to dump a bag of kitty-litter on the berm at the edge of the neighboring lot -- boo to you. 'No dumping' signs are posted throughout the lot, and the drop no doubt is reaction to a bag of dry cat food poured and left in a pile just outside that lot as well, as an aid to stressed kitties now never released from the SPCA to roam freely but are instead primped and pampered to be 'adopted' rather than simply confined, fattened-up and devoured among roaming pseudo-tribes. After the drop, a flock of crows appeared at the edge of the retention pond along Kingswood Terrace Road, foraging and calling-out with the same kind of expectant attitude seen in the Hunters' Point district of San Francisco, CA, years ago when an adult male fell overboard in San Francisco Bay during a Halloween party-boat excursion. The pond discharges directly into the St. Lucie River.
According to the non-voluntary 'virus scan', from time to time a substantial number of websites are trying to gain entry to the desktop-PC screen-page, which appears to slightly stretch then quiver slightly as the errant cache attempts incompatible program penetration (without the 'r', that's 'pogram' for the uncareful typist). That slow and thoughtful ISP data delivery and transmission requires a special, paid virus-control service to prevent 'blazing fast' programs from electronically crashing machine function seems unjust, especially since such intrusions might represent experiments outside legal laboratories to identify exactly which amperages might physically crack or shatter the monitor screen as a potential harm to users.
To the person who decided to dump a bag of kitty-litter on the berm at the edge of the neighboring lot -- boo to you. 'No dumping' signs are posted throughout the lot, and the drop no doubt is reaction to a bag of dry cat food poured and left in a pile just outside that lot as well, as an aid to stressed kitties now never released from the SPCA to roam freely but are instead primped and pampered to be 'adopted' rather than simply confined, fattened-up and devoured among roaming pseudo-tribes. After the drop, a flock of crows appeared at the edge of the retention pond along Kingswood Terrace Road, foraging and calling-out with the same kind of expectant attitude seen in the Hunters' Point district of San Francisco, CA, years ago when an adult male fell overboard in San Francisco Bay during a Halloween party-boat excursion. The pond discharges directly into the St. Lucie River.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
news from the new partnership

A walk to Wachovia Bank this afternoon revealed a telling truth about the new partnership with Wells Fargo Bank -- Wachovia will not accept deposits for them at this point in time. A telephone-call made to WFB verified that no Wachovia in the entire state of FL accepts deposits for WFB. A rainfall downpour totally drenched me through all layers of clothing after the unsuccessful bank visit and return to the condo from historic downtown Stuart, FL. Why would anyone want to "follow" Wachovia on '', as the Wachovia Internet website suggests?
More plant images from the cameraphone (but not without some surveillance): Antlerlike branches can be seen in Kcc but on a different tree also in almost identical form in Bradford Township, PA, alongside Interstate Parkway. Both spiny palm-tree phase and a potential future popped-palm scenario can be seen in Kcc. What appears to be a single sweet-pea blossom appears as sprouted from the sandy trail behind Kcc. A pink ribbon, one among others seen in the same location, is tied around a tree trunk in Possum Long Nature Center. The small reddish-orange fruits resemble northern wild cherries and might be dropping from tree transplants transported to FL -- the fruit is mushy and collapses easily.
carrying a shade for FBI's "most wanted"?
11/23/2009 -- The monthly walk to the Car and Truck Buyer's guide newsrack revealed little unusual along the stretch of sidewalk leading past the Martin County Golf Course, other than the continued construction and finishing of cement-block housing beside the St. Lucie River and St. Lucie Boulevard post-hurricanes. One such home-building project is located directly beside the slough where smashed berries swept from the sidewalk are given to the fish and other fauna at that area where slough and river waters mingle; the family name is signed on front of metal-gated premises newly-built, but has also been scrawled into the wet cement of the new sidewalk, and one or more of three dogs routinely barks when the berry-person approaches and passes by (a pudgy black Labrador retriever, a Boston terrier and an Australian cattle dog).
Above photo: 'For Sale' sign collapsing on adjacent property beside Kcc and SE Ocean Blvd Stuart FL. The owner didn't/couldn't clear trash from his own property, so he must lose it?
This date along St. Lucie Boulevard, a bare overhead electrical wire with frayed black insulation was highly visible on the west side of the boulevard between an estate-type property and a lot marked with 'for sale' sign (reported to On the same side of the street an armadillo lay collapsed and dead on the berm, with the smell of decay very evident, not far from a section of the slough where supermarket cherry seeds had been dropped a few months ago to perhaps sprout with ample sunlight and water. St. Lucie Boulevard is a winding, riverside two-lane roadway, popular as sort of military-outlook perimeter drive, with only one sidewalk on its west side, and is surely one of the places giving impetus to the term 'crotchless panties' because it is easy to tear out the inside-legs fabric in a pair of pants when walking beside it.
Stuart, FL, is touted in some mass media as the "best place to retire" and it is not especially a secret that FBI "most wanted" James Joseph Bulger, now age 80 (according to the and websites), might be protected somewhere in the region using the "innocent until proven guilty" rationale that also might be directing gun carriers toward others with fatal results. J. B. (initials matching also the title of a local business enterprise, 'JB's complete with utility trailer) is "wanted" as charged with extortion and racketeering in Boston, MA, and "southern states" are listed as a possible hide-out. He is believed to have been associated with 19 murders. The elderly man is also believed to be associated with the "Irish mafia"; this month's issue of Archaeology magazine describes a bog in Ireland where "workers for a peat company recently found a ... old wood barrel of butter, transformed...into adipocere, a wax that forms from animal fat. ...". That "found", not J. J. B., and the University of Bradford has also celebrated Gerry McDonnell earlier this month at its ArchaeoMetallurgy Conference, not " FBI handler, Special Agent John Connelly [who]...tipped Bulger as to the 1995 indictment, allowing Bulger to get away before he was arrested...armed and extremely dangerous...".
And we should be losing teeth and relatives here in Martin County, FL, as vigilante searches muck up the atmosphere and the local Polish-American Club "thrives"?
Above photo: 'For Sale' sign collapsing on adjacent property beside Kcc and SE Ocean Blvd Stuart FL. The owner didn't/couldn't clear trash from his own property, so he must lose it?
This date along St. Lucie Boulevard, a bare overhead electrical wire with frayed black insulation was highly visible on the west side of the boulevard between an estate-type property and a lot marked with 'for sale' sign (reported to On the same side of the street an armadillo lay collapsed and dead on the berm, with the smell of decay very evident, not far from a section of the slough where supermarket cherry seeds had been dropped a few months ago to perhaps sprout with ample sunlight and water. St. Lucie Boulevard is a winding, riverside two-lane roadway, popular as sort of military-outlook perimeter drive, with only one sidewalk on its west side, and is surely one of the places giving impetus to the term 'crotchless panties' because it is easy to tear out the inside-legs fabric in a pair of pants when walking beside it.
Stuart, FL, is touted in some mass media as the "best place to retire" and it is not especially a secret that FBI "most wanted" James Joseph Bulger, now age 80 (according to the and websites), might be protected somewhere in the region using the "innocent until proven guilty" rationale that also might be directing gun carriers toward others with fatal results. J. B. (initials matching also the title of a local business enterprise, 'JB's complete with utility trailer) is "wanted" as charged with extortion and racketeering in Boston, MA, and "southern states" are listed as a possible hide-out. He is believed to have been associated with 19 murders. The elderly man is also believed to be associated with the "Irish mafia"; this month's issue of Archaeology magazine describes a bog in Ireland where "workers for a peat company recently found a ... old wood barrel of butter, transformed...into adipocere, a wax that forms from animal fat. ...". That "found", not J. J. B., and the University of Bradford has also celebrated Gerry McDonnell earlier this month at its ArchaeoMetallurgy Conference, not " FBI handler, Special Agent John Connelly [who]...tipped Bulger as to the 1995 indictment, allowing Bulger to get away before he was arrested...armed and extremely dangerous...".
And we should be losing teeth and relatives here in Martin County, FL, as vigilante searches muck up the atmosphere and the local Polish-American Club "thrives"?
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
a celebration of 'scanning'
Finally, a break in the action -- the maybe-Ur pellet consists of a small tube the size of a pencil-eraser that might be just the size to hold the tiny oracle-bead artifact that I found (but the maybe-Ur compound is still packed inside). The opaque density of the tiny tube would inhibit any viewing of the mucousal artifact content-imagery, however.
..which brings us to current editions of two archaeology-themed publications: Archaeology magazine November/December 2009 and the Society for Archaeological Science Bulletin Vol. 32, #4. Both issues are satisfactorily endowed with articles that describe various types of scanning possible when analyzing traditional artifacts such as rock and pigment or bone and marrow, but are not quite the ticket when regarding a mucousal oracle-bead chronicle.
The Archaeology article describes "...extremely powerful x-ray beams produced by a type of particle accelerator called a synchrotron...[at] the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France ...[which] creates a tightly-focused beam of electromagnetic radiation...". The SAS Bulletin describes 'pXRF' and 'EDXRF Spectrometry' technology that scans artifacts in situ with portable devices or after samples are carried away to laboratories; another article describes "thin-section petrography".
Because the mucousal oracle-bead chronicle consists of someone's memories preserved within that individual's own mucous, together with an audible voice strip, such methods described within the publications might well destroy the rare and tiny artifact. However, the methods can produce scans of sample materials that might eventually be matched with the contents of the oracle-bead when its physical analysis can be performed without altering it -- including the somewhat icky scans of ear-nose-throat mucous to determine which consistencies match the physical mucousal substance of the tiny history-bead that holds images of ancient human activities and civilizations, together with voiceover.
Just as human memories can be tested with brain-scan technology, extremely sensitive scans which produce spectra that can be matched with the elements of the oracle-bead imagery will also lead to some type of geiger-counter device that might locate other such beads elsewhere on the planet. As example, the oracle-bead chronicle holds preserved images of the world's metal, mineral and gemstone deposits before they were mined, and an appropriate scanning device would match spectra from those locales with spectra recorded during a scan of the artifact glob(e).
A wand, perhaps, in the hands of a wizard will be appropriate.
..which brings us to current editions of two archaeology-themed publications: Archaeology magazine November/December 2009 and the Society for Archaeological Science Bulletin Vol. 32, #4. Both issues are satisfactorily endowed with articles that describe various types of scanning possible when analyzing traditional artifacts such as rock and pigment or bone and marrow, but are not quite the ticket when regarding a mucousal oracle-bead chronicle.
The Archaeology article describes "...extremely powerful x-ray beams produced by a type of particle accelerator called a synchrotron...[at] the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France ...[which] creates a tightly-focused beam of electromagnetic radiation...". The SAS Bulletin describes 'pXRF' and 'EDXRF Spectrometry' technology that scans artifacts in situ with portable devices or after samples are carried away to laboratories; another article describes "thin-section petrography".
Because the mucousal oracle-bead chronicle consists of someone's memories preserved within that individual's own mucous, together with an audible voice strip, such methods described within the publications might well destroy the rare and tiny artifact. However, the methods can produce scans of sample materials that might eventually be matched with the contents of the oracle-bead when its physical analysis can be performed without altering it -- including the somewhat icky scans of ear-nose-throat mucous to determine which consistencies match the physical mucousal substance of the tiny history-bead that holds images of ancient human activities and civilizations, together with voiceover.
Just as human memories can be tested with brain-scan technology, extremely sensitive scans which produce spectra that can be matched with the elements of the oracle-bead imagery will also lead to some type of geiger-counter device that might locate other such beads elsewhere on the planet. As example, the oracle-bead chronicle holds preserved images of the world's metal, mineral and gemstone deposits before they were mined, and an appropriate scanning device would match spectra from those locales with spectra recorded during a scan of the artifact glob(e).
A wand, perhaps, in the hands of a wizard will be appropriate.
no need to panic...
The Stuart News has presented a number of articles that address problems at Palm City (FL) Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, two of which are headlined 'Stomach virus hits 10 nursing homes' and 'Illness subsides at nursing center', plus an article which describes lawsuit filed against the health-care facility by the family of a man who died immediately after he was admitted.
As previously described, two health-care offices have been addressed at a building on Florida Street here in Stuart, FL, which have been situated directly beside a canal that flows from a pond nearby the USPO located in 'Bruner Park'. The offices have had a parking lot that directly borders the canal without any preventive rails or fences that would stop falls into the sluggish water; the current office is addressed as a 'preventive medicine' office.
Armellini Auto Parts is addressed in Palm City (FL) as a primary business address, and an Armellini trailer can be observed to be parked in the lot beside the health-care offices on FL Street here in Stuart. Given the fact that most business owners and employees oversee premises from afar, there is some possibility that attention to the FL Street area is channeling waterstream microbes into Palm City and into the nursing home there.
Of course there are other, more seminal, reasons why the nursing home for the elderly and disabled has become infected with "gastrointestinal disease". Homeowners and others now residing in this Martin County region who originally hail from McKean County, PA, are affected by the sudden change of a hotel name in the city of Bradford, PA, from 'Hotel Holley' to 'Riddell House' -- a significant cultural change intended to end undue attention directed toward that PA Tun'a Creek locale and its oil refinery. However, the 2/13/2009 SN article names "administrator Sue Riddell" as an employee of that south FL nursing home.
That European World Wars still remain fresh in the minds of U. S. citizenry can mean that specific prejudices contribute to effects upon certain names inhabiting the region deemed to be 'Italian' or 'German'. And not to forget the maybe-Ur pellet only a few blocks away near a drainage grate just inches upslope.
Daddy, I told them "no", not Palm City Nursing and Rehab -- where are you now? Why is there a pen lettered 'Palm City Nursing and Rehabilitation Center' lying on the table here?
As previously described, two health-care offices have been addressed at a building on Florida Street here in Stuart, FL, which have been situated directly beside a canal that flows from a pond nearby the USPO located in 'Bruner Park'. The offices have had a parking lot that directly borders the canal without any preventive rails or fences that would stop falls into the sluggish water; the current office is addressed as a 'preventive medicine' office.
Armellini Auto Parts is addressed in Palm City (FL) as a primary business address, and an Armellini trailer can be observed to be parked in the lot beside the health-care offices on FL Street here in Stuart. Given the fact that most business owners and employees oversee premises from afar, there is some possibility that attention to the FL Street area is channeling waterstream microbes into Palm City and into the nursing home there.
Of course there are other, more seminal, reasons why the nursing home for the elderly and disabled has become infected with "gastrointestinal disease". Homeowners and others now residing in this Martin County region who originally hail from McKean County, PA, are affected by the sudden change of a hotel name in the city of Bradford, PA, from 'Hotel Holley' to 'Riddell House' -- a significant cultural change intended to end undue attention directed toward that PA Tun'a Creek locale and its oil refinery. However, the 2/13/2009 SN article names "administrator Sue Riddell" as an employee of that south FL nursing home.
That European World Wars still remain fresh in the minds of U. S. citizenry can mean that specific prejudices contribute to effects upon certain names inhabiting the region deemed to be 'Italian' or 'German'. And not to forget the maybe-Ur pellet only a few blocks away near a drainage grate just inches upslope.
Daddy, I told them "no", not Palm City Nursing and Rehab -- where are you now? Why is there a pen lettered 'Palm City Nursing and Rehabilitation Center' lying on the table here?
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
another coincidence? describes 'China Coal Mine Blast...' said to have occurred early Saturday morning.
Oh wow, my 'oracle bones' book request from Friday night was too soon or what? Who is over there in Asia networking the Chinese into deathplace scenarios, perhaps as a search for the oracle-bone inscriber?
[I tried to post this comment at the AOL website itself but 'Anti-Virus Plus' kept flipping mine off the screen and also the "captcha" wasn't accepted.]
Oh wow, my 'oracle bones' book request from Friday night was too soon or what? Who is over there in Asia networking the Chinese into deathplace scenarios, perhaps as a search for the oracle-bone inscriber?
[I tried to post this comment at the AOL website itself but 'Anti-Virus Plus' kept flipping mine off the screen and also the "captcha" wasn't accepted.]
Saturday, November 21, 2009
not all crashes are hostile
'Anti Virus Plus' messages are now continually wrecking my Internet search experience, apparently issued from '' website. Paradoxically, although the messages flip off any website view presented on-screen (including e-mail messages composed for FBI), they warn about trojans, worms and viruses.
The actual problem as divined from control panel consultation is that a program cache incompatible with this machine-program has been permitted access anyway, and a single-click resolution of the issue bans the errant program-cache from further ISP engagement during active PC-terminal Internet use. However, in some way the ban-command itself is flipped out within the PC program such that the errant cache again gains entry, which in turn triggers a pattern of 'Anti Virus Plus' messages that disrupt the Internet search process. Furthermore, payment is expected so that the anti-virus program will stop data/search freezes and crashes that should be easily remedied with the one-click ban.
Ho hum, better days ahead.
The actual problem as divined from control panel consultation is that a program cache incompatible with this machine-program has been permitted access anyway, and a single-click resolution of the issue bans the errant program-cache from further ISP engagement during active PC-terminal Internet use. However, in some way the ban-command itself is flipped out within the PC program such that the errant cache again gains entry, which in turn triggers a pattern of 'Anti Virus Plus' messages that disrupt the Internet search process. Furthermore, payment is expected so that the anti-virus program will stop data/search freezes and crashes that should be easily remedied with the one-click ban.
Ho hum, better days ahead.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
but I already banned them from the program...

Having taken a chance with BigBuck, once again trojans, viruses and malicious spyware are threats to be viewed daily on the PC Screen during internet searches. The website offers sweepstakes which are "void" in Quebec, Canada, although the remainder of North America may participate.
These antlerish treetops are favorites of regional raptors here in Martin County, FL -- the birds quite obviously signal their possessive instincts. While attempting to make a camera-phone photo of a fighter jet soaring from the Witham Air Field over the Kingswood condo complex during the annual VNA Air Show, I instead clicked and saved an image of an eagle flying. Ha, Ha!
Monday, November 16, 2009
more about Friday the Thirteenth
Deciding to make more notes from aging newspapers at Eagle's Nest minipark (hint: the eagle's nest is actually in Possum Long sanctuary, a mile or so away), I walked over along SE Ocean Boulevard (now pellet-free, thanks to the Internet) turning onto Monterey Road where the minipark is located across the road from the Blake Library.
Seating myself at the lone picnic table, I perservered with notetaking while a few people (one female) rode through the minipark on their bicycles (as invariably happens when I am seated there). Toiling away and scanning the action nearby from time to time, a male appears in the adjacent property and warns about his incipient use of insecticide to come, targeting the row of flowering bushes that separate that property from the minipark environs. I must gather up my things and move to the far side of the minipark or be misted with pesticide spray, and I move after a few words with the fellow.
So far so good -- we were all making sense, both actions and words. The guy sprays billowing clouds of pesticide from a hose, I watch and spring toward the opposite boundary bushes as a woman returns on her bicycle through the minipark to the neighborhood. When the fellow stops spraying, I return to the picnic table after about a quarter-hour wait and finish making notes from one of the several newspapers stashed away in my backpack. I cross the road when traffic flow diminishes, and begin walking toward the back way into Kcc, which is KTR past Monterey Commons.
Which is where I see the guy again after emerging from the minipark foliage -- but also a number of yet-green vines lying side-by-side on the sidewalk beside Monterey Commons, each cut at one end. Now, here's bit of psychology for you all -- because the insecticide-spraying was inarguably apropos, I could only walk around the surprise sidewalk arrangement and the guy as well, then scurry along KTR towards home-condo dropping pocketed cigarette-packs seen discarded in the berm along SE Ocean Boulevard, then filled with household seeds from backpack, near the retention pond.
Which is to say, why a possible uranium pellet lay along A1A/SE Ocean Boulevard many moons without claim is anyone's guess or rationale.
Seating myself at the lone picnic table, I perservered with notetaking while a few people (one female) rode through the minipark on their bicycles (as invariably happens when I am seated there). Toiling away and scanning the action nearby from time to time, a male appears in the adjacent property and warns about his incipient use of insecticide to come, targeting the row of flowering bushes that separate that property from the minipark environs. I must gather up my things and move to the far side of the minipark or be misted with pesticide spray, and I move after a few words with the fellow.
So far so good -- we were all making sense, both actions and words. The guy sprays billowing clouds of pesticide from a hose, I watch and spring toward the opposite boundary bushes as a woman returns on her bicycle through the minipark to the neighborhood. When the fellow stops spraying, I return to the picnic table after about a quarter-hour wait and finish making notes from one of the several newspapers stashed away in my backpack. I cross the road when traffic flow diminishes, and begin walking toward the back way into Kcc, which is KTR past Monterey Commons.
Which is where I see the guy again after emerging from the minipark foliage -- but also a number of yet-green vines lying side-by-side on the sidewalk beside Monterey Commons, each cut at one end. Now, here's bit of psychology for you all -- because the insecticide-spraying was inarguably apropos, I could only walk around the surprise sidewalk arrangement and the guy as well, then scurry along KTR towards home-condo dropping pocketed cigarette-packs seen discarded in the berm along SE Ocean Boulevard, then filled with household seeds from backpack, near the retention pond.
Which is to say, why a possible uranium pellet lay along A1A/SE Ocean Boulevard many moons without claim is anyone's guess or rationale.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Friday the 13th and thereafter
This is a post-hurricanes pic showing denuded tree trunks all around live trees with fresh growth, just outside Kcc alongside the sandy trail and retention pond. 'Strands' dangling from the live trees appear to be the remains of vines.
What to eat this triple-whammy week of Veterans' Day, Friday the 13th, and VNA Air Show? Soaked kidney beans simmered until soft, two aging heads of broccoli cut and immersed with beans, and pork parted from the bone to make tacos using corn tortillas and a few dabs of barbecue sauce.
Flashback to CA Blue Angels annual Air Shows over the San Francisco, CA, peninsula
Wow -- that was a very loud AND low aircraft pass over Kcc just a few minutes ago.
scheduled events and sights
Today, as scheduled, the Visiting Nurse Association Air Show is proceeding. Yesterday a number of helicopter and airplane flights "cleared the air" in the area around Witham Air Field here in Stuart, FL. All the roadways in the Stuart area are scheduled to be closed/blocked off during the planned festivities this weekend.
A slight botanical review is presented, with condolences to the families of two landscape-trimmer youths who lost their lives this past week -- wielding loud plant-trimmers that were a worse effect upon their own hearing than to those who also suffered nearby. Palm Beach, FL, TV journalism tells us that one of them was shot.
Continuing a description of tiny plants similar to bathroom mold, two photos show the leafs as affixed to a pair of cotton-blend pants, and as compared to doily lace.
Continuing a description of trees growing beside the St. Lucie River on Sewall's Point, one photo shows matted strands dangling from tree alongside previously-pictured extended-strand tree; plus photo of small flowering tree that also supports Spanish moss same locale.
Continuing descriptions of west island beneath the Lyons Bridge in the Indian River lagoon, a photo shows water turbulence nearby parklands turf and concrete-framed drainage-pipe (first encountered years ago stuffed with six-packs of empty beer bottles) during time-period when Tropical Storm Ida was active elsewhere globally outside western FL .
Thursday, November 12, 2009
more hints of a less gentle way of life
Actually, there was a significant amount of blood evident on the east island during walk described with previous post, nearby the wine bottles, a shattered beer bottle, and mackeral remains affixed with old fishing-line near two strategically-placed open zip-top baggies.
Flashback to 10/31/2009 walk to find closest Wachovia/WellsFargoBank-linked ATM, addressed on Hospital Avenue here in Stuart, FL (according to ISP entry following the merger of the two banks), and found to be located inside Martin Memorial Hospital itself, in a first-floor hallway amid concerned hospital staff members who necessarily monitored activity directed towards the hospital anyway. Why the ATM isn't located outside the premises is anyone's guess.
The walk to that ATM passed by the Possum Long Memory Garden with its (very) small benches both wooden and stone, many lizards, some squirrels and plant-identification signs. The Hibiscus Avenue entrance is addressed quite close to Palm Beach Road; after removing a number of rusting screws and nails, two broken pieces of auto glass, and a rusted sparkplug from SE Ocean Boulevard some days earlier (10/23/2009) near the Lambert and Rheta Gross Heart Center (and its new 'for sale' sign) those dumped at Greco's Sunoco station, the walk to Osceola Street's intersection with Hospital Avenue seemed to be a breeze.
However, a handful of brown broken beer-bottle glass lay scattered on SE Ocean at its intersection with Dunscombe Street; a dead baby bird had again drifted into the roadway not far from where the dead adult bird still lie beneath a transplanted tree. The short walk on Palm Beach Road to Osceola Street revealed a dead black snake about two-feet long lying flattened and bloody in the middle of the roadway; and further along a dead squirrel also lay bloody in the street (both southside), the creature's head and throat twisted and torn open -- a telling scene for those who know that a much larger mama or papa indigo snake might be lolling not far away in the creek or river. Below: young indigo snake slain beneath a very-low compact-car chassis, at the entry/exitway to/from Kingswood Terrace Road to/from Kingswood condo complex, near slough, retention pond and St Lucie River environs.
Nutlike berries gathered up from the SE Ocean sidewalk in front of a business-building complex were conveniently tossed into Krueger Creek during the return walk from the ATM together with a few palm nuts already carrried into the hospital complex.
And that's the way it was, Halloween Day in Stuart, FL. Both squirrel and snake were removed from the roadway, but some squirrel internal organs were not expeditiously carried from the street and were swarming with small red ants as a horrified squirrel-mate looked on. The next time I use a Wachovia/WFB ATM, I will walk further into 'Historic Downtown Stuart" to the bank-premises proper.
Flashback to 10/31/2009 walk to find closest Wachovia/WellsFargoBank-linked ATM, addressed on Hospital Avenue here in Stuart, FL (according to ISP entry following the merger of the two banks), and found to be located inside Martin Memorial Hospital itself, in a first-floor hallway amid concerned hospital staff members who necessarily monitored activity directed towards the hospital anyway. Why the ATM isn't located outside the premises is anyone's guess.
The walk to that ATM passed by the Possum Long Memory Garden with its (very) small benches both wooden and stone, many lizards, some squirrels and plant-identification signs. The Hibiscus Avenue entrance is addressed quite close to Palm Beach Road; after removing a number of rusting screws and nails, two broken pieces of auto glass, and a rusted sparkplug from SE Ocean Boulevard some days earlier (10/23/2009) near the Lambert and Rheta Gross Heart Center (and its new 'for sale' sign) those dumped at Greco's Sunoco station, the walk to Osceola Street's intersection with Hospital Avenue seemed to be a breeze.
However, a handful of brown broken beer-bottle glass lay scattered on SE Ocean at its intersection with Dunscombe Street; a dead baby bird had again drifted into the roadway not far from where the dead adult bird still lie beneath a transplanted tree. The short walk on Palm Beach Road to Osceola Street revealed a dead black snake about two-feet long lying flattened and bloody in the middle of the roadway; and further along a dead squirrel also lay bloody in the street (both southside), the creature's head and throat twisted and torn open -- a telling scene for those who know that a much larger mama or papa indigo snake might be lolling not far away in the creek or river. Below: young indigo snake slain beneath a very-low compact-car chassis, at the entry/exitway to/from Kingswood Terrace Road to/from Kingswood condo complex, near slough, retention pond and St Lucie River environs.
Nutlike berries gathered up from the SE Ocean sidewalk in front of a business-building complex were conveniently tossed into Krueger Creek during the return walk from the ATM together with a few palm nuts already carrried into the hospital complex.
And that's the way it was, Halloween Day in Stuart, FL. Both squirrel and snake were removed from the roadway, but some squirrel internal organs were not expeditiously carried from the street and were swarming with small red ants as a horrified squirrel-mate looked on. The next time I use a Wachovia/WFB ATM, I will walk further into 'Historic Downtown Stuart" to the bank-premises proper.
Monday, November 9, 2009
westward ho! super windy day
So as not to forget, there was a broken and very-used pliers tool lying in the westbound lane of the Lyons Bridge during the return walk to Kcc, which could also be seen from the eastbound lanes. A walk over the two northeast Martin County bridges from Stuart to the east island in the Indian River lagoon was headfirst into the wind all the way -- made easy though by the interest of creatures monitoring intended placement of berry-laden branches removed from the roadway in Sewall's Point. The return walk with wind at back was even easier, and rubber-toed sneakers ensured that a header over the bridge railing did not happen.
A good-sized foot-long-+ mackeral lay beneath the bridge at the southside support, far east side of the island in the middle of the lagoon, in the same place where a catfish had been found during a previous visit to east island -- both filleted and abandoned, head attached and bony frame intact holding some flesh. Islands in the Indian River lagoon are also known as "spoil islands", possibly because these leftovers from large birds can be easily gathered up and put in a pot among real hardship cases (but gators and manatees might hate the casual user). Small ants had welled out from beneath park entry/exit sidewalk while some old fishing line was being removed, and painful bites are the result from their primitive orientation that I could be followed directly to the fish remains.
Always some glass bottles to put in the trash cans -- perhaps for me personally -- today glass wine bottles and beer bottles, including one shattered on the northside walkway of the Lyons Bridge. Three large fistfulls of abandoned fishing line, some with brilliant colors, were gathered from the east island and placed in trash containers (lacking the special boxes seen in some parks). Crows tore into some watermelon rinds left in the grass, while shorebirds gazed upon them but did not venture forth among parkgoers.
After leaving the east island and walking past a popular hotel franchise on Hutchinson Island to cross at a traffic signal, so as to proceed westward and return to Kcc, two small lizards were seen slain on the northside sidewalk (one small, the other smaller). At the entrance to the Lyons Bridge moving westward, a coiled metal fishing-line yet lay on the bridge walkway with rusting hook and intact sinkers, seen during previous walks.
A white ribbon was seen again in the southside walkway of the Crary Bridge, not far from the place where a hypodermic needle had once been seen lying on the bridge walkway months ago. A search revealed a number of "white ribbon" active political causes ranging from 'single payer' Mad As Hell Doctors to a campaign based in Toronto , Canada, "dedicated to the women engineering students murdered in Montreal" to an alliance "raising international awareness about the...women who die each year pregnancy-related complications, worldwide".
There is also a "2009 Austrian-German drama film" titled 'The White Ribbon'.
A horseshoe-crab casting with the same appearance as the one previously seen on the west island -- both lying on northside shorelines -- was observed nearby restrooms (the restrooms are still damaged and have not yet been repaired). The prevailing winds during the past few days have been westward, such that the single-part casting might be a plant instead casually attributed to lagoon-water turbulence.
A greenish-black standard Jeep moving westward on the Lyons Bridge demonstrated a loud muffler while driving in passing gear; flashback to a walk along SE Ocean Boulevard days ago, when a police car with flashing lights came up behind the same vehicle but no wrong-doing was evident.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
another special day
The Kingswood condo complex flag is flying at half-mast today, slightly tattered at the bottom edge.
A pink terry-cloth rag/strip was found in the eastbound bicycle lane on SE Ocean Boulevard not far from the entrance to Kcc shown, at the edge of Vista Pines condo complex; the lilac-colored disposable lighter was found further along the roadway, filled with fluid. The same old rusty screw lay on the sidewalk just outside the Ocean Palms retirement complex. So, all three items were gathered up, photographed, then placed in an empty tortilla bag, which has been knotted and placed in the Kcc trash dumpster most near condo #55-3.
how to hike around without challenge
o For those of you who rely heavily upon dead eggs and milk-products as sustenance, a change to tofu will be a change to natural competition -- other creatures will want to eat your tofu and less you yourself. Tofutti (R) has a line of products that are similar to sour cream or mayonnaise that can be mixed in with pickle relish to make tartar sauce or with canned tuna to make tuna salad or used as a topper with margarine on baked potatoes.
Otherwise, a stomachfull of rolled-outs oatmeal is always safe.
o Yay, Kessinger! Pre-1900 manuscript reprints without the librarian hassles about brittle paper or microfiche.
Otherwise, a stomachfull of rolled-outs oatmeal is always safe.
o Yay, Kessinger! Pre-1900 manuscript reprints without the librarian hassles about brittle paper or microfiche.
Friday, November 6, 2009
windy Friday
So, there's a Tropical Storm in the Caribbean Sea and high tide is more of a surge and swell than gradual waters than rise and subside. There was a steady continuous wind happening this afternoon which was a different kind of cool than mere temperature flux.
Unusual items found on walkway and in roadway walking east on the Evans Crary Bridge include a prayer-book-sized black-plastic housing box in the eastbound bicycle lane with other plastic pieces, some shards, scattered about on the bridge walkway, one of which was lettered 'Lori---' in raised letters (a sort of brand name). A police car passed by the scattered pieces and did not stop. Two bolts lay on that bridge as well -- one shiny new and the other rusted, one on the walkway and the other in the roadway -- as did a short length of flexible black rubber hose.
An adult bumblebee was also lying near the bike lane in the roadway beside the walkway wall that separates vehicles from pedestrians, surrounded with small red ants as usual trying to hoist and carry the comotose insect (it was instead hand-carried to a flowering bush near the intersection of St. Lucie Boulevard and A1A/SE Ocean Boulevard). A few windsurfers were active on the west island beneath the Lyons Bridge, and sailboats navigated both the St. Lucie River and the Indian River lagoon. Dark clouds were full with water overhead, but moved away from the northeast Stuart, FL, area. Signs posted on the island that warn 'Danger - Drop Off' was especially apropos since the water nearly covered all rocks and shoreline sand, extending to clifflike grassy turf.
A riverside tree grows atypical sticklike nodes from branches to ground, with additional fibrous strands that resemble brown hair.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
more wonder, more jam this week is featuring a specal sale conducted by Rare Book Cellar in Pomona, NY, which lists its stock through the Internet (some duplicates) numbering in the thousands. One sequence of the list reads as follows:
#1350 Brad Watson, 'The Heaven of Mercury', W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2002
#1358 Carlos Castenada, 'The Power of Silence: the Further Lessons of Don Juan', Simon and
Schuster, New York 1987
#1361 David MacFarlane, 'Summer Gone' from Crown Publishers, New York 2000
#1363 Donald Barron, 'The Man Who was There', Atheneum, New York 1969
The prevalent price '$32.00' appears to be a standardized one throughout the book list, much in the way that some companies list their stock at all the same price regardless of manufacture value, or use a standard shipiing-and-handling fee for all items no matter how large or small.
#1350 Brad Watson, 'The Heaven of Mercury', W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 2002
#1358 Carlos Castenada, 'The Power of Silence: the Further Lessons of Don Juan', Simon and
Schuster, New York 1987
#1361 David MacFarlane, 'Summer Gone' from Crown Publishers, New York 2000
#1363 Donald Barron, 'The Man Who was There', Atheneum, New York 1969
The prevalent price '$32.00' appears to be a standardized one throughout the book list, much in the way that some companies list their stock at all the same price regardless of manufacture value, or use a standard shipiing-and-handling fee for all items no matter how large or small.
Monday, November 2, 2009
the beginning of the month
Immediately upon walking out from Kingswood condo complex this morning, a caterpillar was encountered on the sidewalk, covered with small red ants that at one point during the observation hoisted the living worm with mandibles affixed pincerlike in flesh and tried to carry the creature into the grass. Scattering the tiny ants with a fingernail, the caterpillar was rescued and carried to Possum Long Nature Center, which has a butterfly patch; along the way on SE Ocean Boulevard, other previously seen butterflies reconnoitered the walk, and the caterpillar was received upon the large blossom of a flowering plant while another butterly hovered in the air.
The stripped pelt of a small calico cat [again] was also removed from the SE Ocean roadway and left near a fence just outside the Memory Gardens entrance/exit.
Proceeding toward the U. S. Post Office from Seventh Street Nature Center entry/exitway (and its very small parking lot), three brown glass beer bottles were removed from alongside sidewalk at the intersection of Palm Beach Road and 10th Street, two with broken mouthpiece/necks, and placed in a trash container just outsie the 10th Street recreation area. Tenth Street is a designated 'Adopt-A-Street' location, with banner spread overhead just past Palm Beach Road westward.
A 'Chantal' trailer was seen to be parked outside the former Caribbean restaurant in the small plaza on the north side of Florida Street; an Armellini trailer remains parked in a neighboring lot beside the 'preventative medicine' office that has a parking lot perched at the edge of the canal.
After buying some stamps at the USPO and a brief rest on a bench at the pond nearby, the return walk to Kcc was made different with 'discovery' of a six-inch-plus heavy-metal industrial-type screw lying in the roadway of Martin Luther King Boulevard near its intersection with Colorado Street. Slightly rusting, the screw lay beside an active laundry/dry-cleaners facility until picked up and hand-carried to the Salvation Army some small distance away and across the Boulevard; it was placed on top of the premises' white-painted mailbox (and was notified promptly!)
The other side of the pond nearby the USPO sports a metal-plaque/sign lettered 'Bruner Pond Park', where ducks, white shorebirds, a few turtles and some fish inhabit the watery pool with its fountain-spray and poolside walkways with benches. A series of other ponds are arrayed along MLKB, some with wooden docks and nearby picnic tables of the minipark sort. The new post-hurricanes police/fire station combination facility is also addressed on MLKB, very nearby Cortez Avenue where the pre-hurricanes police station once stood. Upon reaching Palm Beach Road again, the westside walk northward passes a minipark with sign lettered 'Lake Claire Park' which has back-to-back benches facing road and water, where two more brown glass beer bottles -- one intact and the other shattered -- were carried from a bushy/tree-clustered area and placed in a trash receptacle. MLKB is also a designated 'Adopt-A-Street' with a banner.
The lone bench at Hospital Park was occupied, so a walk further along Coconut Road revealed a green-painted concrete benches-and-table arrangement set back in some cool foliage at Sixth Street not far from the Possum Long Nature Center.
After a rest and return to SE Ocean Boulevard, a cigar was seen in the parking lot of the small plaza that houses a number of businesses including Raymond James Financial Services quite a way past the empty snuff can set upon the Krueger Creek Bridge walkway southside. Krueger Creek actually bulges with its waterload and is more a strait than a creek which extends from the St. Lucie River throughout the city; local mass media named it as a place to see manatees, and boats moored throughout the creek appear to function to control creature activity within the waterway. Fish are always seen in the creek; sometimes nuts and berries can be gathered from the sidewalks and tossed in for them.
And lest we all forget, a respectable white container with traditional-format black-inked label was seen set on the ground outside a hair-styling business addressed at one corner of MLKB.
The stripped pelt of a small calico cat [again] was also removed from the SE Ocean roadway and left near a fence just outside the Memory Gardens entrance/exit.
Proceeding toward the U. S. Post Office from Seventh Street Nature Center entry/exitway (and its very small parking lot), three brown glass beer bottles were removed from alongside sidewalk at the intersection of Palm Beach Road and 10th Street, two with broken mouthpiece/necks, and placed in a trash container just outsie the 10th Street recreation area. Tenth Street is a designated 'Adopt-A-Street' location, with banner spread overhead just past Palm Beach Road westward.
A 'Chantal' trailer was seen to be parked outside the former Caribbean restaurant in the small plaza on the north side of Florida Street; an Armellini trailer remains parked in a neighboring lot beside the 'preventative medicine' office that has a parking lot perched at the edge of the canal.
After buying some stamps at the USPO and a brief rest on a bench at the pond nearby, the return walk to Kcc was made different with 'discovery' of a six-inch-plus heavy-metal industrial-type screw lying in the roadway of Martin Luther King Boulevard near its intersection with Colorado Street. Slightly rusting, the screw lay beside an active laundry/dry-cleaners facility until picked up and hand-carried to the Salvation Army some small distance away and across the Boulevard; it was placed on top of the premises' white-painted mailbox (and was notified promptly!)
The other side of the pond nearby the USPO sports a metal-plaque/sign lettered 'Bruner Pond Park', where ducks, white shorebirds, a few turtles and some fish inhabit the watery pool with its fountain-spray and poolside walkways with benches. A series of other ponds are arrayed along MLKB, some with wooden docks and nearby picnic tables of the minipark sort. The new post-hurricanes police/fire station combination facility is also addressed on MLKB, very nearby Cortez Avenue where the pre-hurricanes police station once stood. Upon reaching Palm Beach Road again, the westside walk northward passes a minipark with sign lettered 'Lake Claire Park' which has back-to-back benches facing road and water, where two more brown glass beer bottles -- one intact and the other shattered -- were carried from a bushy/tree-clustered area and placed in a trash receptacle. MLKB is also a designated 'Adopt-A-Street' with a banner.
The lone bench at Hospital Park was occupied, so a walk further along Coconut Road revealed a green-painted concrete benches-and-table arrangement set back in some cool foliage at Sixth Street not far from the Possum Long Nature Center.
After a rest and return to SE Ocean Boulevard, a cigar was seen in the parking lot of the small plaza that houses a number of businesses including Raymond James Financial Services quite a way past the empty snuff can set upon the Krueger Creek Bridge walkway southside. Krueger Creek actually bulges with its waterload and is more a strait than a creek which extends from the St. Lucie River throughout the city; local mass media named it as a place to see manatees, and boats moored throughout the creek appear to function to control creature activity within the waterway. Fish are always seen in the creek; sometimes nuts and berries can be gathered from the sidewalks and tossed in for them.
And lest we all forget, a respectable white container with traditional-format black-inked label was seen set on the ground outside a hair-styling business addressed at one corner of MLKB.
This example of a 'baby-over-a-bucket' image affixed to a commercial container was 'found' on Florida Street berm near Johnson Street and the US Post Office, then was hand-carried to a recycling-materials dumpster behind the Ace Hardware store.
'Hand Sanitizer': its many uses can include a dab on a fresh insect bite that stops itch and disinfects promptly. Walgreens sells extra-small bottles that are great for backpacks.
And, another pellet in the roadway on Bayou Street near intersection with Florida Street here in Stuart, FL. Maybe next time I'll pick up that one and carry it to the combination police/fire station on Martin Luther King Boulevard (near Cortez Street, where a pre-hurricanes police station was at one time located) because might be a missing SC uranium pellet.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
cover change
Find the butterfly -- from grass-sheafs, small caterpillars transform themselves into small drab butterflies -- in Possum Long Memorial Garden. Both caterpillars and butterflies resemble larger varieties known in the northeast U. S. as 'tent caterpillars', which become white or yellowish butterflies.
hints of a less gentle life
The far end of the west island, in the middle of the lagoon, had a small pile of 'filleted' skates lying on shoreline rocks, the flesh stripped from bones most probably by a large bird (image not snown). More large green pods affixed to vines grow at the edge of cliff-like berm.
Another image shows a 'pink ribbon' location at the entry/exit walkway leading onto the west island beneath the Lyons Bridge, with Indian River lagoon in the background. Foot-long-plus fish are often found along west island shorelines with flesh removed, among large shorebirds.
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